760D.6111/4–748: Telegram

The Minister in Finland (Warren) to the Secretary of State


212. My French colleague convinced Finns succeeded unexpectedly well obtained pact more favorable than Hungarian or Rumanian.1 Said reaction France would certainly be favorable concerning internal situation; thought majority Diet would ratify as gesture solidarity to Paasikivi; did not expect Communist extra-legal action either at this time or during the forthcoming electoral campaign. British Minister who called on Paasikivi today expressed opinion pact makes little difference to the Finnish situation either externally or internally because absence of good faith all around. Said President believed agreement on terms he considers better any other perimeter countries and pleased the Soviet not made specific demands nor taken attitude of harshness. President reiterated belief not only will pact be ratified without much struggle, but election campaign may begin immediately with good prospects free campaign, free elections. Scott does not share optimism respect forthcoming campaign.

From other sources today I gather impression widespread relief evident last night when terms of the pact were released coincidental with the news signing is beginning harden into more questioning attitude by Coalition, Progressive, and Conservative political groups. Attitudes Agrarian and Social Democrats are not yet apparent. Appears may be widespread divisions these two large party groups respect ratification. Possible reaction abroad, particularly US, to pact may color Finnish attitude with respect ratification when debate begins next week and may have some bearing on Communist timetable.

  1. For the text of the Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance, signed April 6, 1948, at Moscow, between Finland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, see United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 48, pp. 150–161.