Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

Paper Agreed Upon by the Foreign Ministers1


MIN/TRI/P/13 Final

Declaration for the Three Foreign Ministers on Germany

Following the London Agreements of June 1948 and the Washington Agreements of April 1949, the U.S.A., France and the United Kingdom replaced the military authority and the direct administration of the occupied territories in force since 1945 by a civilian regime simply of supervision. By virtue of this regime Germany was able to produce a Constitution, proceed to free elections, call a Parliament, form a Government and elect a Federal President. The Federal Government and the Governments of the Laender were able to take over the administration and control of internal German affairs.
Furthermore by the agreement of the 13th April 1949 the Allies decided to ease the burden of reparations on Germany. Some months later under the Petersberg Protocol an agreement was reached for a final settlement in regard to the delivery of plant by way of reparations.
In the domain of foreign relations the Petersberg Protocol made provision for the appointment of German Consular and commercial representatives abroad. During the last few months steps have been taken by the Western Powers to secure the accession of the Federal Republic to a number of international organizations including the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. Finally, she has been invited to join the Council of Europe. The progress made has been accomplished in large measure thanks to the action and the influence of the three Allied High Commissioners in whom the three Foreign Ministers are happy again to express their full confidence.
The Allies are resolved to pursue their aim laid down in the Washington Agreement of April 1949 and reaffirmed at the Petersberg that Germany shall reenter progressively the community of free peoples of Europe. When that situation has been fully reached she would be liberated from controls to which she is still subject and accorded her sovereignty to the maximum extent compatible with the basis of the occupation regime. This regime is imposed on the Germans and on the Allies by the consequences of the division of Germany and of the international position; until this situation is modified it must be retained in accordance with the common interests of Germany and of Europe.
The Western Powers desire to see the pace of progress towards this end as rapid as possible. Progress will depend upon the degree of confident and frank cooperation displayed by the Government and the people of the Federal Republic. In the first place the pace will be determined by the extent to which the Allies can be satisfied that their own security is safeguarded by the development in Germany of a desire for peace and friendly association with themselves. In the second place the pace will be set by the rate at which Germany advances towards a condition in which true democracy governs and the just liberties of the individual are assured. Therefore, the Western Powers wish to emphasise most strongly that the natural desire of the German people to secure relaxation of controls and the restoration of the sovereignty of their country depends for its satisfaction only upon the efforts of the German people themselves and of their Government. They earnestly trust that the Federal Republic will fulfil in this respect the hopes placed in the wisdom of her people and her leaders. Meanwhile the High Commissioners in exercising the powers reserved to them will continue to place their main emphasis upon essential elements of security and fundamental democratic issues of real importance.
In view of the continued refusal of the Soviet Government to permit the inhabitants of their zone of occupation to rejoin their [Page 1091] fellow countrymen in a democratic and united Germany, it has not been possible, and will not be as long as this Soviet policy persists, to proceed to the conclusion of a treaty of peace with Germany. The Ministers accordingly agreed to set up a study group in London to undertake the necessary preparatory work to enable the Occupation Statute to be reviewed at the appointed time and to make recommendations for eliminating the major practical inconveniences arising in the countries concerned from the state of war, on the understanding that in the present situation of Europe supreme authority must remain in the hands of the Allied Powers.
While retaining the framework outlined above the Allies intend to give Germany the possibility of developing freely, while at the same time safeguarding the possibility of peaceful reunification of Germany, which remains the ultimate object of their policy. The three governments reaffirm the offers which were formulated during the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers last June, and express the hope that the necessary conditions for the establishment of a government for all Germany may be achieved which would guarantee to all Germans respect for their laws and fundamental liberties and they have agreed upon the conditions which are necessary, in their opinion, for this purpose.2
  1. Attached to the source text was a cover sheet, not printed, which stated that it had been agreed by the Foreign Ministers at their fifth meeting on May 13. The Ministers also agreed that the annex should not be published but that both the declaration and the annex should be shown to the Benelux Foreign Ministers. (Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20) For a report on the fifth meeting, see Secto 246, May 13, p. 1052.
  2. The annex to MIN/TRI/P/13 Final, not printed, is the same as that to MIN/TRI/P/13, supra.