Editorial Note

At the request of Peru and the Dominican Republic the question of relations with Spain was placed on the agenda of the fifth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations and referred for discussion to the Ad Hoc Political Committee. Following discussion in committee on October 31 a draft resolution, which called for the revocation of the recommendations in the 1946 Spanish resolution with respect to the withdrawal of Ambassadors from Madrid and the debarring of Spain from membership in international agencies established by or related to the United Nations, was adopted by 37 votes to 10 with 12 abstentions.

This draft resolution was incorporated in the report of the Ad Hoc Political Committee (A/1473) and considered by the General Assembly at its 304th plenary meeting on November 4. The General Assembly, first in a paragraph-by-paragraph vote and then in a vote on the resolution as a whole, adopted the draft resolution by 38 votes to 10 with 12 abstentions.

The United States Delegation supported revocation of the recommendations both in committee and in the General Assembly and voted for adoption of the draft resolution. Documentation on these developments is in file 320. For the text of the report of the Ad Hoc Political Committee including the draft resolution, see United Nations General Assembly, Official Records, Fifth Session, Annexes, 1950, volume 2, Agenda Item 62. For the record of the discussion of the report in the General Assembly, see ibid., Plenary Meetings, 1950, volume 1, pages 371 ff.