II. Problems arising under the United States–United Nations headquarters agreement of 1947, and related matters 1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. ii pp. 46 ff.

[16] The Comptroller General of the United States (Warren) to the Secretary of State

L/UNA Files, Lot 62 D 205, “Passports; Procedures & Standards”2

[22] Memorandum by Mr. William E. Ailshie of the Office of Consular Affairs

A/MS Files, Lot 53 D 291 (V), “Ninth Proviso”

[26] Memorandum by Mr. H. Linde of the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for United Nations Affairs

L/UNA Files, “Headquarters Agreement, General, Privileges and Immunities, 1948–1951”

[27] Memorandum by Mr. Richard J. Kerry, Administrative Attorney, Division of International Administration

L/UNA Files, Lot 62 D 205, “Passports: Procedures and Standards”

[29] Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State

L/UNA Files

  1. The L/UNA files are the working files of the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for United Nations Affairs, and are organized on an alphabetical subject basis. Documents in this compilation which carry the sole caption “L/UNA Files” are located in a folder entitled “Hdqtrs Agreement: Immigration (McCarran Act; Int. Sec. Act; Visas), Sec. 11 (secept 11 (4))—Sec. 14.”