70. Memorandum From the Deputy Director for Plans of the Central Intelligence Agency (Wisner) to Director of Central Intelligence Dulles1


  • Status of US Military Mission in Guatemala; conversation with Under Secretary of State


  • Memo to DDCI dtd 19 Nov 53, fr DD/P; subject: “Status of US Military Mission in Guatemala”2
Pursuant to my conversations of yesterday afternoon and this morning with the Director and Deputy Director, I talked with General Smith and gave him our recommendations in response to his question concerning the advisability of withdrawing the US Military Mission from Guatemala. After listening to a brief summary of the reasoning contained in the reference memorandum, General Smith stated that he agreed with our recommendation and commented that this also seems to be the point of view of Ambassador Peurifoy.
General Smith went on to say that we should move promptly to examine the composition of the present military mission, which he surmises may include individuals who may be neither disposed nor qualified to function in the manner required. He thought that we should take steps with the appropriate authorities in the Pentagon to see to it that the mission is strengthened by the substitution of a limited number of officers having real competence and background, giving as an example Colonel Hank Mueller who was formerly a personal assistant to General Smith during the time the latter was serving as Director of this Agency.
General Smith concluded with the statement that if we require any assistance from him in getting this whole matter laid on and straightened out with the Pentagon, he would be only too glad to give a hand.
Frank G. Wisner3
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 76, Folder 2. Secret; Eyes Only. Sent through the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.
  2. Document 69.
  3. Printed from a copy that indicates Wisner signed the original.