800.054/7–752: Telegram

No. 261
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1


149. Embtel 89.2 Release or leak FTC Report not believed imminent. However Pres has indicated willingness make report available [Page 605] Cong comites on confidential basis at their request. Brit Petroleum att so advised which may be basis Brit info that report likely be released soon.

Position Dept will take in event report pub not yet decided and you may so inform Brit.

FYI only Pres has requested Attorney Gen institute appropriate legal proceedings with respect to operations of internatl oil cartel.3 Pres also requested State and other US agencies to cooperate with Attorney gen on gathering evidence required for these proceedings. For past several months Dept has been developing position to present to US oil cos looking toward basic improvement in practices of internatl oil industry but in view pending Dept of Justice proceedings not decided what action if any along these lines will now be taken.

Sonj considers it must answer rumors recently appearing pub press re FTC Report involving Sonj fon operations and ltr presenting Sonj position will be sent to stockholders and employees of Sonj and press this week. Copy Sonj ltr and copy FTC Report being sent via air pouch today.

  1. Drafted by McMaster and cleared by E, OMP, EDT, Bpt, and BNA.
  2. Not printed; it asked the Department of State if release or a leak of the FTC Report was imminent. The British Ministry of Fuel and Power was preparing a statement on the report, which he had heard would be released, and the Embassy requested guidance. (800.054/7752)
  3. For additional documentation, see vol. i, Part 2, pp. 1259 ff.