57. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1

5164. Excon. Reference Deptel 5786,2 repeated Paris Topol 1693. Copper Wire. Foreign Office informally stated today HMG does not now consider it desirable hold talks with US representatives re justifications for copper wire embargo. As rolling mills discussion scheduled it would be difficult to push internally for joint talks this time on copper wire. Proposal such talks might lead unfavorable reactions and further delays. Embassy mentioned question of talks not indicated as formal request but desire make known availability of US representatives for such talks.

Embassy comment: Embassy believes UK authorities attempting at every opportunity arouse US interest in, and show their desire for a package settlement of various E–W problems outstanding. Discussions last week on communications material included even more pointed references to rolling mills and copper wire. Moreover in view this UK attitude believe UK authorities on every possible occasion will exert effort forestall US pressure for separate consideration of economic defense problems and that we can count on meeting delay when ever we seek settlement on this basis. This UK [Page 236] view persists despite our frequent statements that US believes cases should each be settled on strategic merits.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 460.509/5–2455. Secret. Pouched to Paris.
  2. Dated May 12, not printed. (Ibid.)
  3. Telegram 5535 from London, June 21, informed the Department that the U.K. position on copper wire at a COCOM meeting would be “categorically negative.” (Ibid., 460.509/6–2155)

    Polto 2567 from Paris, June 24, reported on the COCOM discussion on copper wire of June 22. (Ibid., 460.509/6–2455)