296. National Security Study Memorandum 218, Washington, March 3, 1975.1 2


March 3, 1975

National Security Study Memorandum 218

TO: The Secretary of Defense
The Deputy Secretary of State
The Director of Central Intelligence

SUBJECT: U.S. Policy Toward U.S. and Soviet Military Access to Singapore

The President has directed a review of our policy toward U.S. and Soviet military access to Singapore. The study should assume that it remains a basic U.S. objective to minimize Soviet military access to Singapore and to preserve access to Singapore for U.S. Navy vessels and U.S. military aircraft and should:

  • — Assess the present and prospective situation, especially in light of (a) the planned withdrawal of United Kingdom forces from Singapore, and (b) recent displays of Soviet interest in greater access to Singapore s naval facilities.
  • — Define and evaluate U.S. policy options that would achieve the above objectives in this situation.

The study should be prepared by the NSC Inter-Departmental Group for East Asia, and should be submitted no later than March 31, 1975 for consideration by the Senior Review Group.

Henry A. Kissinger

cc: The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

  1. Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, NSC Staff for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, Convenience Files, Box 10, Singapore, NSSM 218. Secret. A copy was sent to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The NSSM 218 study was cancelled and did not result in a meeting.
  2. Kissinger asked the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the CIA to review U.S. policy toward U.S. and Soviet military access to Singapore.