Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn

No. 64.]

Sir: I have received and submitted to the President your despatch of January 22, No. 10, and I have the honor to inform you that all your proceedings therein related in regard to the claims of this government upon Japan are approved. You will insist on these demands, and on an adjustment of them, to be made with yourself, by the imperial government there. This government cannot consent to withdraw them from your care and open a discussion upon them at this capital. Nor will you consent to a delay of them with a view to such an opening of negotiations here.

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The Secretary of the Navy will take care that you are not left unnecessarily without an adequate force to sustain your demand.

While explaining these positions to the government of the Tycoon, you will, at the same time, express the sincere desire of the President that a prompt adjustment of claims so just and so moderate will avert the disturbance of the good relations we have hitherto held with Japan—relations which are believed to be as useful to that country as to our own.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Robert H. Pruyn, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Kanagawa.