Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn

No. 70.]

Sir: Your despatches, No. 31 of the 8th of April, and No. 32 of the 4th of May last, have been received.

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The correspondence which accompanies your No. 31 has been read with much interest, and your assurances to the Gorogio, on the subject of the proposed embassy to the United States, are entirely approved. In connexion with this subject I herewith enclose, for your information, copies of a recent correspondence between this department and Mr. Dayton, our minister at Paris.

Your announcement that the government of the Tycoon will probably shortly despatch several naval officers to this country for the purpose of studying naval architecture has been received with much pleasure. They will be very welcome, and will be furnished with every proper facility for carrying out the object of their mission.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Robert H. Pruyn, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Kanagawa.