Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn

No. 81.]

Sir: With reference to the despatch of Mr. John G. Walsh, United States consul at Nagasaki, (No. 19,) of July 20, informing this department of the ill treatment received by the American steamer Monitor from the Japanese authorities in the bay of Fukugawa, in the territory Nagato, I enclose herewith a copy [Page 596] of the order of the President, suspending, for the time being, the departure of the steam gunboat Funayma, built at New York for the Japanese government.

It is to be hoped, however, that you may be able to inform this department of the amicable adjustment of this and other differences existing between the Japanese and United States government, so as to enable the President to revoke his order for the suspension of a clearance for the Funayma.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Robert H. Pruyn, Esq., Kanagawa.