Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward

No. 119.]

Sir: I regret to be obliged to report that the cholera has made its appearance at Constantinople. It was introduced here by an Egyptian war steamer, on which several cases and deaths from this disease occurred. Thus far it has not spread much, it being confined chiefly to the arsenal to which the cholera patients of the vessel above referred to were transported. In all up to date not more than twelve deaths from cholera have occurred here. Sanitary measures are being taken to prevent it from extending among the population. I fear, however, that having made its entrance here, this capital cannot escape its ravages to a greater or less degree of intensity. The last reports from Egypt represent the deaths from cholera at almost 200 daily in Alexandria, and about 300 in Cairo. It was apprehended that in the hot months of August and September its ravages would be yet greater.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.