
Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward

No. 264.]

Sir: You will find in the Moniteur of the 7th instant the address reported by the senate commission in reply to the imperial discourse at the opening of the corps legislatif.

The passages of chief interest to the people of the United States are the following:

“You are, sire, the natural guardian of the interests of the army. It is not your Majesty who, after having led it to victory, would forget its glorious services on the return of peace. Besides, it is not always the safeguard of French [Page 811] honor and the bulwark of order and law ? It is the army which now gives on the distant territory of Mexico an example of discipline, constancy, and of all military virtues, which it drops like a fruitful seed on its march.

“Your Majesty has announced that this memorable expedition to Mexico touches its term, and that you are coming to an understanding with the emperor Maximilian for the recall of your troops. That is the same as to say to satisfied France that the protection of her commercial interests will be assured in this vast and rich market made safe by our aid.

“As to the United States, if through any misunderstanding the presence of the French flag on the American continent appears to them less seasonable than it did at another very illustrious epoch in their history, the firm communications of your government have shown that it will not be imperious and menacing language that will determine us to return. France has not the habit of marching except to her own time. [Very well; very well.] But she loves to remember her ancient friendship for the United States. What you demand of them is neutrality and the right of nations. By this they may see that a war for the so often declared purpose of protecting our country people against a faithless government does not become, because successful, a war of conquest, of domination, or of propagandism.”

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I am, sir, your very obedient and very humble servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.