Representatives from all the District of Berne


Declaration of adhesion to the addresses of sympathy and condolence to the United States.

Representatives and delegates from all the districts of the Bernese Jura, namely: Porrentrui, Bienne, Courtelari, Delemont, Franches-Montagnes, Lauffen, Moutier and Neuveville, to the number of two hundred and fifty, (250,) held a public meeting at Tavannes, on the 14th of May, 1865, and adopted the following resolutions unanimously and by acclamation:

  • 1st. We cordially join in the addresses of congratulation to the United States, on account of their recent victories over secession.
  • 2d. We sincerely sympathize with them in their sorrows for the loss of their worthy President, Abraham Lincoln, the victim of a most atrocious crime.

We cherish the ardent hope that the universal tokens of sympathy now shown in both hemispheres for the great republic of the United States may tend to assauge the profound grief for the tragic and lamentable death of their most illustrious citizen.

  • S. JOLISSAINT, Lawyer, President.
  • S. VOISIN, Mayor, Secretary.