Inhabitants of Broomfield

Sir: We have heard with profound sorrow of the death of your late distinguished President, and that he has fallen by the hand of an assassin, and that other citizens of the United States have narrowly escaped a like fate, and are still suffering from their wounds. We believe there is not a Christian community who will not, by deep and heartfelt sympathy, participate with you, and with your country, in an expression of grief and sorrow at this event, as well also of their horror and execration of the murderers.

The inhabitants of the village of Broomfield, in the county of Essex, in England, have been reminded of this terrible crime when assembled for Divine worship, and having prayed with especial reference to the calamities of the war now devastating your land, that Almighty God would mercifully grant peace and concord to all nations.

They desire to express to your excellency their sincere condolence; and they further desire their church wardens will cause this document to be forwarded to Mr. Adams, the American minister, for transmission to the United States.

  • J. B. WHITING, Vicar.
  • G. MAUNSELL, Curate.
  • HENRY C. WELLS, Church Warden.
    Church Warden.

And thirty-three others.

His Excellency Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States of America.