Inhabitants of Bradford

Copy of resolutions passed at an open air meeting of the inhabitants of Bradford, on Saturday, the 29th April, 1865.

Resolved, That this meeting expresses its deep horror and detestation at the deed of assassination perpetrated on the person of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America; with like feelings it also regards the attempt on the life of the foreign minister, Mr. Seward, and shudders with disgust at such brutal acts of low, mean, dark, cowardly atrocity, unequalled in the annals of history.

Resolved, That the workingmen and women of Bradford, in public meeting assembled, express their deep sympathy with the government and people, their brethren and sisters in America, in the loss they have sustained by the lamented death of Mr. President Lincoln.

Resolved, That the worshipful the mayor, as chairman of this meeting, be requested to sign and forward a copy of the above resolutions to the representatives of the American government, its sorrowing people, and the bereaved wife and family of Mr. President Lincoln.
