Inhabitants of Chatham

Resolutions at a meeting held by the inhabitants of Chatham.

At a large and influential meeting of the inhabitants of Chatham, held in the lecture hall, on Tuesday, the 16th May, at the close of an earnest and eloquent address by Henry Vincent, esq., of London, “On the rise and fall of the slaveholders’ rebellion against moral obligations and human freedom, to the culminating crime, the murder of honest President Lincoln,” Henry Everest, esq., justice of the peace, in the chair, the following resolution was moved by the reverend G. L. Herman, and seconded by S. Steele, esq., justice of the peace, and carried unanimously:

That this meeting expresses its affectionate sympathy with Mrs. Lincoln, the American people and their government, under the sad loss they have sustained by the atrocious murder of the late illustrious President Lincoln, but at the same time offers its warm congratulations that the crime of a vile assassin has not arrested the progress of the republic towards a complete and full victory over all its opponents, and it most earnestly rejoices in prospect of the speedy restoration of the Union and in the complete destruction of negro slavery.

Signed on behalf of the meeting:
