Inhabitants of Friockheim

Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the inhabitants of Friockheim, Scotland.

At a largely attended meeting held on the 4th day of May, 1865, of the inhabitants of Friockheim, county of Forfar, Scotland, called for the purpose of consideration of the recent tragedy in the United States of America, resulting in the death of President Lincoln, and the serious disablement of Secretary William H. Seward, the following resolutions were unanimously passed:

Doctor John Todd was called to the chair.

Moved by Mr. Francis Patterson, quarry-master, and seconded by Mr. A. R. Laing, manure merchant, “That this meeting desire sincerely to sympathize with their brethren in the United States of America in the great loss which they have sustained by the death of President Lincoln, and to express their deep abhorrence at his atrocious murder.”
Moved by Mr. W. G. Oliver, saddler, and seconded by Mr. James Christie, laborer, “That this meeting wish to express their heartfelt condolence with Mrs. Lincoln in the irreparable loss which she and her family have sustained in the death of her illustrious and worthy husband.”
Moved by Mr. John Glass, shoemaker, and seconded by Mr. John Scott, gas-manager, “That this meeting likewise desire to express their feeling of detestation at the murderous attack upon Secretary Seward, their sympathy with the American government and people on this most deplorable event, and their heartfelt hope that he will be so far recovered at an early date as to resume the reins of office.”

It was agreed that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted through Mr. Adams, the United States representative in London, for being forwarded to the proper quarter.
