Executive of the United Kingdom Alliance for the Total Suppression of the Liquor Traffic

Resolutions adopted by the Executive of the United Kingdom Alliance for the Total Suppression of the Liquor Traffic, Manchester.

Madam: I am instructed to convey to you the enclosed copy of resolutions of the Executive of the United Kingdom Alliance.

In performing this official duty, allow me to add that no words can express to you our deep and tender sympathy.

May God bless and comfort you under your great bereavement.

Ever very faithfully yours,


Secretary U. K. A.

Mrs. Lincoln.

Resolutions of sympathy and condolence on the assassination of President Lincoln, adopted by the Executive of the United Kingdom Alliance.

Resolved, That the Executive of the United Kingdom Alliance for the Legislative Suppression of the Liquor Traffic has heard with feelings of profound horror and inexpressible grief of the assassination of the President of the United States by the hands of a reckless murderer, inspired by political rancor.

That this Executive, while recording an expression of its deep sympathy and sorrowful condolence with the widow and nation of Abraham Lincoln, cordially recognizes the great personal worth and noble civic virtues of that large-hearted patriot and magnanimous ruler, twice elected by the people as the Chief Magistrate of a great nation, the emancipator of four million slaves, and the savior of his country from armed rebellion, anarchy, and ruin.

That, while this Executive shares most earnestly these sentiments entertained by all parties, ranks, and classes, it feels very keenly the death, by the hand of a murderer moved by drink, of a man whose long adhesion to the principles of total abstinence and prohibition, and whose faithful adherence to them even during the war, have proved that to these, as to all forms of enlightened philanthropy, the late President of the United States of America devoted his high intelligence and his noble heart.

That this Executive earnestly hopes that the fearful civil war in America has now ceased, and that peace will speedily be proclaimed and permanently established on the righteous bases of union and nationality, justice and freedom, with equal civil and political rights to loyal men of all creeds, races, and conditions.

  • WILLIAM HARVEY, Chairman.
  • SAM’L POPE, Hon. Secretary.
  • THOS. H. BARKER, Secretary.