Polish and Hungarian Refugees in Melbourne

Sir: We, the undersigned, on behalf of the few remaining Polish and Hungarian refugees resident in the colony of Victoria, beg most humbly to request you, as the only representative of the American United States government, to accept the expression of our most deep and sincere sorrow at the untimely death, by a most cowardly assassination, of his excellency Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States of America.

May the great Providence, which has chosen to visit one of the greatest nations upon the earth with such an indescribable calamity, inspire the present and [Page 297] many generations yet unborn, not only how to support this great loss, but to venerate the sacred memory of its greatest citizen forever.

We again beg that you may accept this from, sir, your most humble servants

    Late Officer in the P. and H. Army.
    Late Captain in the Hungarian Army.

William Blanchard, Esq.,
United States American Consul, Melbourne.