Portuguese House of Deputies


The President. The proposal just placed on the table by the deputy, Mr. Medeiros, will now be read. It is as follows:

Proposal.—I move that the House do insert in its minutes a significant expression of the profound emotion with which it received the news of the barbarous assassination committed on the person of Mr. Lincoln, the President of the United States of America, and that the worthy representative of that republic at this court be respectfully informed of the deliberation of the House on this subject.


The Minister of Public Works.

House of Sessions, May 3, 1865.

Mr. Carlos Bento. I do not know whether the motion is admitted, but it appears to me that, from its very nature, it is of an urgent and unexceptional character. On my part I do not hesitate, in the name of the government, in [Page 506] sharing such a noble and feeling manifestation as the one contained in the proposal.

We are all unanimous in common with the civilized nations of Europe in condemning an act which has excited the indignation of the whole people without respect to party distinctions. All and every individual reprobates the fatal deed which has taken place in the United States.

I willingly take part in the expression of the vote contained in the proposal. I feel convinced that the Portuguese Parliament will not hesitate one moment in adopting the manifestation of such becoming sentiments. [Hear, hear.]

Mr. Sant’Anna e Vasconcellos. I thank the illustrious deputy, the author of the motion, for having brought it forward, and I do so from my whole heart.

Mr. Paula Medeiros. I thank the noble deputy for his expressions.

Mr. Sant’Anna e Vasconcellos. If the disastrous war which has existed in America during the last three or four years has a justification, it is to be found in the one grand and noble motive which has dominated throughout the abolition of slavery. The man who has just fallen a victim to the assassination which we all deplore maintained that noble and sublime idea. In view of the fact which is in itself so much to be deplored, and in presence of the great and persistent idea of that great citizen, we cannot refrain from being unanimous in voting the motion.

The Minister of Public Works. I spoke in the name of the government, and I can assure the House that the government has already tendered those manifestations which its duty and its feelings clearly indicated. I congratulate myself on the fact that the Parliament was allowed the opportunity by a spontaneous initiative of manifesting its sentiments.

On putting the motion to the vote, it was carried unanimously.