Grutli Union of Romont


Signatures of the members of the Grutlé Union, Romont section, to the address of sympathy and condolence to the American Union.

To President Andrew Johnson:

The members of the Romont section of the Grutlé Union offer their sincere sympathy and deepest sentiments of regret and indignation on account of the great misfortune recently occurred to our sister republic beyond the ocean, by the hand of a ruthless assassin.

Our grief and pain is the greater, as the joy with which we were about to celebrate the victories of northern arms over Petersburg and Richmond, was interrupted by the sad news of the death of President Lincoln.

All eyes were turned to that great man as his iron hand was stretched to emancipate the blacks from the white tyranny that was scourging them unmercifully. Kingly powers trembled at his strength and could offer no intervention.

May his great unfinished task which has fallen into your hands be properly accomplished, for the happiness and prosperity of our sister republic, so that its happy inhabitants may bless you for a lasting peace. May a providential star of light guide you in the direction of the destinies of a great nation. Finally, our countrymen offer their aid and well wishes to your wisely directed government.

In the name of the union, consisting of twenty members,

  • JACOB KURTH, Actuary.
  • J. EGGERSTEIN, Secretary.