Mr. Seward to Mr. Prevost.

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 11, of the 13th May, and copy of Mr. Bustamente’s note in answer to your protest against the non-payment of the instalment due from Ecuador under the convention of November 25th, 1862, between the United States and that country, and of your reply thereto. Your answer to that gentleman is approved.

In this connection I transmit herewith copy of the correspondence* between this department and the representatives of Peru and Chili near this government, from which you will perceive that an engagement has been entered into by which the payment of said instalment is deferred until the 17th of September next. You are, therefore, instructed to wait until the expiration of that period.

Your despatch No. 12 has also been received. It informs me that the community of Gauyaquil are apprehensive that the Spanish fleet intend to bombard that city, and that preparations are in progress tor the purpose of resisting it. Information here leads me to believe that the Spanish fleet are not meditating an attack on Guayaquil.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


L. V. Prevost, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

  1. For enclosure see correspondence with the Peruvian and Chilian legations.