
Mr Romero to Mr Seward

Mr. Secretary: The newspapers of this country allude to the capture of Boca del Rio, a town generally known in the United States by the name of [Page 63] “Bagdad,” by a force which, it seems, came from Clarksville, a town on the opposite side of the Rio Bravo, in United States territory. Although the accounts published up to this time are contradictory, incomplete, and inaccurate, yet it seems that the force that occupied Boca del Rio did it with the best feelings towards the government of Mexico, thinking perhaps to render a service by taking from the enemy one of the points held by the invaders.

For this reason, as well as my dislike to cause unnecessary trouble to the United States, I refrain for the present from expression of opinion on this subject, till I can receive authentic details of what has taken place on the frontier, and instructions from my government. Nevertheless, as I desire to inform the government of Mexico of what has happened on the Rio Bravo, I take the liberty of requesting you to give me the information received at the department under your charge, if there is no impropriety in the request.

I am happy to have this opportunity to renew to you, Mr. Secretary, the assurances of my distinguished consideration.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c.,&c., &c.