
Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward.

No. 105]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on the 6th of the present month I received a telegraphic communication from Mr. Hancock, consul of the United [Page 529] States in Malaga, in the Spanish language, of which the following is a literal translation, viz :

September 10, 1867.

To the Minister of the United States :

The governor of this province received a telegram from Madrid, declaring New Orleans and all the American ports infected with yellow fever. The board of health of this city interprets said telegram to include all the ports of the United States. Be pleased to inform me immediately by telegram if such is the sense of the order, also if the quarantine of Gibraltar has been reduced to three days. Various vessels are here awaiting your answer.


I immediately sought an interview with the minister of state and submitted the telegram of Mr. Hancock, the consul, to him. He asked me to leave the same with him, as he should have to telegraph to Madrid before he could give me an answer; which I did, and on the 9th of September, instant, I received from him an answer, of which the following is a literal translation, viz:

Ministry of State, San Ildefonso, September 30, 1867.

My Dear Sir: The minister of la Gobernacion, to whom I communicated the telegram of the consul of the United States in Malaga, which you delivered to me and which I herewith return, tells me by telegraph the following :

“Having been declared that the “colera” is in New Orleans, and there not appearing what sanitary precautions have been adopted in the United States, all vessels from that country have been declared infected, by telegraphic despatch of the general direction of the date of the 31st August last.”

Which I have the honor to communicate to you for your information, improving this opportunity for reiterating the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.


The Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States.

Upon receiving this answer from the minister of state, this morning, viz., the 11th of September instant, I addressed to the minister of state a letter, a copy of which, marked A, I herewith enclose, which is all the information I have to communicate on the subject, further than to add that I have advised Mr. Hancock, the consul, of all that has transpired thus far.

* * * * * * * *

I remain, very respectfully, yours,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.