Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward.

No. 223.]

Sir: Inclosed herewith I transmit to the department translation of a law passed by the Mexican congress on the 13th instant, providing for a general census throughout the republic.

By article 2 of the law the returns under the same are required to be made by the 15th of March next, in order to be published in time to serve as the basis of apportionment of deputies to the national congress in the elections which are to take place in June and July of the coming year.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

Law providing for a census.


The citizen President of the republic has been pleased to address to me the following decree:

Benito Juarez, constitutional President of the United Mexican States, to all the inhabitants of the same, be it known, that the congress of the Union has thought proper to decree the following:

Article 1. The governor of the States, of the federal district, and of the territory of Lower California, shall proceed to form a census of the inhabitants within their respective commands, immediately upon the promulgation of the present law. The census shall be concluded by the 28th day of February, 1869.

Art. 2. The general result of the census of each State of the federal district and of the territory of Lower California shall be sent by the governors to the department of government by the 13th of March next, in order that it may be published in time to serve as the basis of the general elections of deputies to the congress of the Union which are to take place in June and July, 1869.

Art. 3. The governors who do not comply with what is ordered in the present law shall suffer the penalty of suspension from their office for the term of six months to one year, according to the circumstances of their official neglect.

Hall of sessions of the congress of the Union. Mexico, November 13, 1868.


Joaquin Baranda, Secretary.

Juan Sanchez Azcona, Secretary.

[Page 617]

Wherefore I order that it be printed, published, and circulated. Dated at the national palace in Mexico, November 14, 1868.


The Citizen José Maria Iglesias, Minister of Government.

And I communicate the same to you for your knowledge and the consequent ends.


The citizen Governor of the State of ——.