Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward.

No. 122.]

Sir: The contest for election still continues. From the indications in Lima, and the action of the clubs, the best informed among the foreign population believe that it is the object of the President, Canseco, to control the future destiny of Peru, either as president or dictator. The probability is that such a condition of things will arise in the coming elections, that no one candidate will receive an absolute majority under the constitution of 1860, and in that event the election will be thrown into the incoming congress, and those now in power will undoubtedly do all they can with that body to maintain their present positions. It is but justice to Canseco to say that he, like Cæsar, has thrice refused the nomination, (the constitution forbidding the same:) whether the parallel may be carried out, future events will show.

All of the departments of the government are not acting in complete concert with the present government of Peru, and it is distinctly understood in Lima that the friends of Canseco are doing all they can to thwart the election of Balta, who is undoubtedly the most popular chieftain of the hour. Should Balta fail, another revolution is inevitable.

I have the honor to be. your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.