No. 14.

Mr. Fish to Mr. Partridge

No. 3.]

Sir: By an instruction of the 7th of October, 1869, your predecessor was authorized to use his good offices unofficially toward bringing to a successful close certain negotiations, which were understood to be on foot at Rio de Janeiro, between Brazil and Bolivia, with reference to the navigation of the Madeira River. We are not informed what progress has been made in those negotiations.

On the 29th of June, 1870, however, Congress passed an act incorporating the National Bolivian Navigation Company. It is understood that one of the purposes of that company is to prosecute navigation by steam on the river adverted to. As the company is believed to be composed mainly of citizens of the United States, this Government is naturally desirous that any obstacles to the success of their enterprise should be removed. Mr. James S. Mackie, one of the directors, has addressed a letter to the Department, requesting that the instruction to Mr. Blow might also be addressed to you.

You will consequently so regard it.

I am, &c.,