No. 17.

Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish

No. 5.]

Sir: Inviting your reference, in connection herewith, to Mr. Wright’s Nos. 164, 167, 174, 178, and 185, I beg to send you, annexed hereto, a translation of a note received from the foreign office here, dated July 22, 1871, in reply to Mr. Wright’s last note to this government, of the 3d of June, in reference to the property found in the house (No. 95 Calle de Justiça) at Asuncion, and which had been occupied by the United States minister to Paraguay.

It will be seen that the Brazilian government, while declining to admit responsibility for the articles stated to have been left in that house, of which they had no knowledge until their troops entered the place, and their officers had a few days afterward taken account thereof, nevertheless renew their offer, previously made in the note of the 31st of May, to restore the box (labeled “Legation of the United States”) as soon as found, “together with the other objects found in that house.”

Mr. Correia has since informed me, in conversation, that the box has been found; but he added he could not say at that moment what “other objects” were embraced in that term, or what sum of money would be included, since it appeared from other proofs that the money and jewels found there (as set forth in the official lists, of which a translation is annexed and marked B) belonged to those who could have no right to reclaim them from this government.

I presume, however, from the last paragraphs of the annexed note, that they will surrender everything now existing here, and which they admit, from their list, was found in that house.

I will in a few days request Mr. Correia to deliver to the consul, for me, all such property; and will send such books, boxes, papers, &c., among them, as belong to the United States legation in Paraguay, to Mr. Stevens at Montevideo, by the Ticonderoga, or the first vessel which goes there.

I am, &c.,

[Page 61]


Translation of the official report of the Brazilian commander-in-chief and of the officers who examined the trunks, &c., found in the house in Asuncion, Paraguay, on 6th–9th January, 1869. From “Relatonio” of the minister of foreign affairs to 14th legislation, 14th May, 1869. p. 106, et seq., No. 67. (Nos. 1–5 inclusive.)

[No. 67.]

Report of the commander-in-chief of all the Brazilian forces in operation in Paraguay, to the special mission on service in the republics of the Plate.

Headquarters at Asuncion, March 1, 1869.

Most Illustrious and Excellent Sir: I have the honor to place in the hands of your excellency copies of the five reports presenting the results of the commission charged with the duty of collecting and making inventories of the money and jewels which Colonel Hermes Ernesto de Fonseca had in his keeping. I avail myself of the occasion to assure your excellency of my high esteem and consideration.

God guard your excellency, most illustrious and excellent sir.

GUILHERME XAVIER DE SOUZA, Then Marquis, now, 1871, Duke de Caxias, (Casheeas.)

To the Councillor José Maria da Silva Paranhos, Now Viscount de Rio Braneo, President of the Council, and Prime Minister, 1871.

[Documents referred to in the foregoing note.]

No. 1.

Report of what was found in the house No. 95 of Rua da Justica, in Asuncion.

On the 6th of January, 1869, in this city of Asuncion, at the government palace of the republic of Paraguay, were present the commission, composed of Colonel Hermes Ernesto da Fonseca, Lieutenant Colonels Antonio Joaquim Bacellar and Joaquim Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Bello, Majors Joaquim Antonio Dias, Pedro Alves de Alencar, Manuel Antonio Rodrigues, and José Libanio de Souza, charged with the delivery of money and jewels found in the house No. 95 of Rua da Justica.

There were also present the commission appointed by his excellency the marshal of the army, Marques de Caxias, embracing intendant of the departments of finance João Baptista de Figueiredo, chief of the fiscal department, Sebastião Marques de Souza, of the pay department, Joaquim Antonio Varques, major assistant to chief of staff Luiz Eduardo de Carvalha, and the first officer to the intendant. Frederico Augusta de Menezes Lara, charged with the receiving of the said money and jewels. Proceeding to an examination they found in two trunks the value of 29,612$780 in the following pieces:

12,859 silver patacœs, valued at 2$000 reis each.
1,235 silver coins, (5 francs,) valued at 1$800 reis each.
774 Bolivian pieces, valued at 1$600 reis each.
33 coins, valued at 1$000 reis each.
15 coins, valued at 0$500 reis each.
260 coins, valued at 0$400 reis each.
243 coins, valued at 0$200 reis each.
32 Bolivian coin, valued at 0$800 reis each.
1 dollar coin, valued at 1$900 reis each.
1 coin, valued at 1$280 reis each.

and Brazilian silver coin to the amount of 211$500 reis—all of which was turned into the military chest of the army, as well as the jewels which still remain there deposited; and inventories will be made of them as of any other articles which may be hereafter found.

The work of the day being ended, I, Frederico de Menezes Lara, first officer to the intendant of finance, serving as secretary of the commission, have framed this present report, signed by the members of the above-mentioned commissions.

Colonel Hermes Ernesto da Fonseca.

Intendant João Baptista da Figueiredo.

Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Joaquim Bacellar.

Chief of Fiscal Department Sebastiao Marques de Souza,

Chief of Pay Department Joaquim Antonio Varques.

Major and Assistant to Chief of Staff Luiz Eduardo de Carvalho.

Major Pedro Alves de Alencar.

Major Joaquim Antonio Dias.

Major José Libanio de Souza.

Major Manuel Antonio Rodrigues.

First Officer Frederico Augusta de Menezes Lara.

A true copy:


[Page 62]
No. 2.

Report of an examination made of some packages and a chest found in the house No. 95 of Rua da Justica, in Asuncion.

On the 7th of January, 1869, in the city of Asuncion, in the house No. 95 of Rua da Justica, were present the commission, embracing the following officers: Colonel Hermes Ernesto da Fonseca, Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Joaquim Bacellar, Lieutenant Colonel Joaquim Calvalcanti de Albuquerque Bella, Major Joaquim Antonio Dias, Major Pedro Alves de Alencar, Major Manuel Antonio Rodrigues, Major José Libanio de Souza, charged with the delivery of money and jewels found in the said house, to the commission appointed by his excellency the marshal of the army, Marques de Caxias, which commission also was present, and composed of the following: Intendant of the department of finance, João Baptista de. Figueiredo; chief of the fiscal department, Sebastian Marques de Souza; officer of the pay department, Joaquim Antonio Vasques; major and assistant to chief of staff, Luiz Eduardo de Carvalho; first officer to the intendant, Frederico Augusta de Menezes Lara. Proceeding to an examination of some packages and a chest that were in the house mentioned above, they found money and jewels, all of which were placed in a box which was completely sealed, to be opened on the following day. The door of entrance to the house was also sealed, it being too late to make an inventory. In view of which, I, Frederico de Menezes Lara, first officer to the intendant of finance, serving as secretary of the commission, have framed this present report, signed by the members of the above-mentioned commissions.

(Here follow the names and titles as subscribed to No. 1.)

No. 3.

Report of the examination and counting of the money found in the house No. 95 of Rua da Justica, in Asuncion.

On the 8th of January, 1869, in the city of Asuncion, met in the house No. 95 Rua da Justica, the commissioners, embracing Colonel Hermes Ernesto da Fonseca, Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Joaquim Bacellar, Lieutenant Colonel Joaquim Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Bella, Major Joaquim Antonio Dias, Major Pedro Alves da Alencar, Major Manuel Antonio Rodrigues, Major José Libanio de Souza, charged with the delivery of the money, jewels, and other articles of value, which were yesterday and to-day found in all the packages and chests that were in the above-mentioned house; and proceeding to count the money in the presence of the commission appointed by his excellency, the marshal of the army, Marques de Caxias, composed of the intendant of the financial departments, João Baptista de Figueiredo; chief of the fiscal department, Sebastiao Marques de Souza; officer of the pay department, Joaquim Antonio Vasques; major and assistant to chief of staff, Luiz Eduardo de Carvalho; first officer to the intendant, Frederico Augusta de Menezes Lara; the whole amounted to the sum of 8,861$120, as follows:

114 gold ounces, valued at 30$000 each.
4 Brazilian gold pieces, valued at 20$000 each.
3 sterling pounds, valued at 8$890 each.
2 twenty franc pieces, valued at 7$200 each.
3 quarter ounces, valued at 7$500 each.
1 Oitava, valued at 3$705 each.
3 gold patacces, valued at 1$900 each.
1,904 silver patacœs, valued at 2$000 each.
144 silver coins, (5 francs) valued at 1$800 each.
161½ Brazilian pieces, valued at 1$600 each.
29 coins, valued at 1$000 each.
6 coins, valued at 0$500 each.
721 coins, valued at 0$400 each.
1,923 coins, valued at 0$200 each.
25 coins, valued at. 0$100 each.
Also Brazilian notes to the value of 255$000

Having delivered this money to the pay department of the army, as well as a chest closed, with the name of Antonio Nin Reyes marked upon it with chalk, to be opened to-morrow, and also a box, properly sealed, containing jewels and other articles of value, which are deposited in the same department, and of which an inventory is yet to be made; and nothing more having been found in the above-mentioned house, I, Frederico de Menezes Lara, first officer to the intendant of finance, serving as secretary of the commission, have framed this present report, signed by the members of the above-mentioned commission.

(Here follow the names and titles as subscribed to No. 1.)

[Page 63]
No. 4.

Report of the delivery of money into the pay department of the army.

On the 9th of January, 1869, in the city of Asuncion, met at the pay department of the army the commission, embracing Colonel Hermes Ernesto da Fonseca, Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Joaquim Bacellar, Lieutenant Colonel Joaquim Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Bello, Major Joaquim Antonio Dias, Major Pedro Alves da Alencar. Major Manuel Antonio Rodigues, Major José Libanio de Souza, to assist at the opening of the chest deposited yesterday in that department, and to deliver the money which may be therein found, to the commission which was also present, appointed by his excellency, marshal of the army, Marques de Caxias, and composed of the intendant of the department of finance, João Baptista de Figueiredo; chief of the fiscal department, Sebastiao Marquez de Souza; officer of the pay department, Joaquim Antonio Varques; major and assistant to chief of staff, Luiz Eduardo de Carvalho; first officer to the intendant, Frederico Augusta Menezes Lara.

The said chest having been opened, there was found a sack containing the amount of 502$800, as follows: One hundred and ninety-six silver patacœs, valued at 2$000 each; forty-two silver coins, (5-francs,) valued at 1$800 each; twenty-two Bolivian pieces, valued at 1$600 each, all of which was turned over to the pay department; and I, Frederico de Menezes Lara, first officer to the intendant of finance, serving as secretary of the commission, have framed the present report, signed by the members of the above-mentioned commission.

(Here follow the names and titles as subscribed to No; 1.)

No. 5.

Report of the delivery of jewels and money found in the previously mentioned house.

On the 11th of January, 1869, in the city of Asuncion, at the pay department of the army, met Colonel Hermes Ernesto da Fonseca; Intendant Joãs Baptista de Figueiredo; Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Joaquim Bacellar; chief of fiscal department, Joaquim Antonio Vasques; major and assistant to chief of staff, Luiz Eduardo de Carvalho; Major Pedro Alves de Alencar; Major Joaquim Antonio Dias; Major José Libanio de Souza; Major Manuel Antonio Rodrigues; first officer, Frederico Augusta de Menezes Lara, members of a commission charged with the delivery of the jewels, and other articles of value found in the house No. 95 of Rua de Justica, and which on the 8th instant were deposited in that department in a box closed and sealed, and of the contents of which an inventory was to be subsequently made.

The said box was to-day opened in the presence of the above-mentioned commission, as well as the commission appointed by his excellency, marshal of the army, Marques de Caxias, composed of the intendant of the departments of finance, João Baptista de Figueiredo; chief of the fiscal department, Sebastio Marques de Souza; officer of the pay department, Joaquim Antonio Vasques; major and assistant to chief of staff, Luiz Eduardo de Carvalho; first officer to the intendant, Frederico Augusta de Menezes Lara, to receive the said jewels and other articles, of which the following inventory was taken:

60 pounds of silver. 1 pair of ear-rings, with brilliants, broken.
1 pair of reins, silver-mounted. 3 rings, with brilliants, one being broken.
1 headstall, silver-mounted, 10 gold bracelets, French, of 14 carats, two of coral.
1 inkstand. 3 gold pins, of different kinds, French, of 14 carats.
1 sand-box, silver-mounted. 2 watch-chains, of different kinds, French, of 14 carats.
1 large cup, with silver ornaments. 1 golden dove, enameled, with brilliants.
7 small cups, with silver ornaments. 16 gold rings, of different kinds, French, of 14 carats.
2 pairs of silver spurs. 4 gold crosses, of different kinds, French, of 14 carats.
3 whip-handles, silver-mounted. 1 gold cross, of enamel.
1 small silver coal-holder, (for lighting cigars,) [fogareiro] with wooden handle. 1 gold heart, of coral, French, of 14 carats.
1 wooden mug, with silver ornaments. 1 gold heart, of enamel.
4 gold watches, broken, numbered respectively 85,956, 2,914, 2,375, 1,176, 20 pairs of ear-rings, of different kinds, French, some having ordinary stones.
3 small gold watches, with open dials. 2 small gold lockets, for miniatures and hair.
1 gold bracelet. 2 small gold buttons, of 14 carats, and different articles of gold of 18 carats, weighing 20½ ounces.
1 pair of gold ear-rings.
2 combs, with gold ornaments.
1 ordinary silver watch, broken.
1 box, with gold pin and ear-rings, enameled.
2 pins, with brilliants, one having ten stones.
[Page 64]

Having taken an inventory of everything the box contained, it was sealed up anew and placed in the pay department, subject to the final order of his excellency, marshal of the army, Marques de Caxias, and I, Frederico de Menzes Lara, first officer to the intendant of finances, serving as secretary of the commission, have framed the present report, signed by the members of the above-mentioned commission.

(Here follow the names and titles as subscribed to No. 1.)