List of papers.


No. Date. Subject. Page.
1 1873. July 1 That the necessary legislation has been passed to enable Articles XVIII to XXV, inclusive, and Article XXX of the treaty of May 8,1871, with Great Britain to go into effect. 27
2 July 3 That an international exhibition of arts, manufactures, and products of the soil and mines will be opened April 19, 1876, in Philadelphia, and will be closed October 19, 1876. 28
3 Sept. 27 Abolition of discriminating tonnage dues on French vessels 29


No. Date. Subject. Page.
4 1873. Feb. 11 Applications of foreign inventors for patents 30
5 Mar. 29 Value of the pound sterling 31
6 May 3 Laws of the several States in relation to births and marriages 32

iii.—argentine republic.

No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
7 Mr. Clapp to Mr. Hunter 1873. Feb. 12 Progress of the Argentine Confederation. Obstructions to trade with the United States. 35
8 do April 15 Success of General Mitre in Brazilian negotiations, and his dispatch to Paraguay. 38
9 Mr. White to Mr. Fish May 14 Revolt in Entre Rios 38
10 do June 8 Message of the President. The principle of arbitrating international differences recognized. Inclosure: Message of President Sarmiento. 38
11 do June 13 Revolt in Entre Rios. Inclosure: Message of the President concerning the same. 44
12 do Aug. 12 The relations between Paraguay and the allies 47


[Page IV]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
13 Mr. Jay to Mr. Fish 1872. Sent. 3 Treaty between Austro-Hungary and Japan 50
14 Mr. Delaplaine to Mr. Fish Oct. 11 Inclosing correspondence from Red Book respecting rules in the Treaty of Washington. 59
15 Mr. Jay to Mr. Fish 1873. Mar. 12 Concerning the allotment-space in the Exposition. 62
16 do Mar. 13 Calling attention to error in the title of Austro-Hungary in the “Foreign Relations for 1872.” 63
17 1 do April 11 Concerning allotment of space in the Exposition 64
18 do June 6 Visits of various monarchs and princes to Vienna. 72
19 do Aug. 15 Patent Congress at Vienna 73
20 Baron Lederer to Mr. Fish 1872. Nov. 21 Nationality of François A. Heinrich 77
21 Mr. Fish to Baron Lederer Dec. 24 Same subject 78


No. Date. Subject. Page.
222 Mr. Jones to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 20 Change of ministry. Cession of the Luxemburg railway. 79
23 Mr. Delfosse to Mr. Fish July 24 The refusal to grant the extradition of Carl Voght. 80
24 Mr. Davis to Mr. Delfosse July 28 Same subject 81
25 Mr. Delfosse to Mr. Fish July 30 Same subject. 82
26 do Aug. 2 Proposing an answer to the proposal 83
27 Mr. Fish to Mr. Delfosse Aug. 11 Favorable answer to the proposal 84


No. Date. Subject. Page.
28 Mr. Shannon to Mr. Fish 1872. Oct. 23 Relations between Brazil and the Argentine Republic. Inclosing correspondence between General Mitre and the minister for foreign affairs. 85
29 do Nov. 25 Brazilian politics. Changes in diplomatic corps. Relations between Brazil and Germany. 90
30 Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish Dec. 20 Brazilian politics 91
31 do 1873. Jan. 20 Prosperity of Brazil during 1872 92
32 do Jan. 22 Transmitting report of the department of foreign affairs. Negotiations between Brazil and Great Britain for a claims convention. 93
33 do Feb. 3 Change in the ministry. The President’s message favorably received. 94
34 do Feb. 22 Brazilian politics. The yellow fever 94
35 do Mar. 24 Brazilian finances. Trade and commerce with the United States. 95
36 do April 23 Yellow fever. Brazilian politics. Health of the Emperor. The crops. 96
37 do April 24 Transmitting copy of a note to the minister of foreign affairs on the subject of the trade between Brazil and the United States. 97
38 do May 23 Brazilian politics. The ecclesiastical question 101
39 do June 21 Transmitting the Brazilian reply to his note respecting the trade between Brazil and the United States. 102
40 do June 23 Ecclesiastical question. Assent of the government necessary before publication of a papal bull. 103
41 do June 24 Brazilian politics and budget 104
[Page V]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
42 Mr. Root to Mr. Fish 1872. Dec. 6 Transmitting correspondence with Chilian government respecting the establishment of steam tow-boats in the Straits of Magellan. 104
43 do 1873. Jan. 7 Has accepted an invitation to accompany the minister of foreign relations to Punta Arenas, Straits of Magellan. 108
44 do Feb. 26 Containing an account of his trip to the Straits of Magellan. 109


[Page VI]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
45 Mr. Low to Mr. Fish 1872. Oct. 17 Celebration of the imperial marriage; discourtesy to the foreign legations. 117
46 do Oct. 23 Chinese opposition to missionaries. Treaty rights of the missionaries. Consular correspondence on the subject. 118
47 do Oct. 26 Official edict announcing the marriage of the Emperor. Abolition of the regency. Probable continuance of Prince Kung in power. Change in status of foreign legations to be desired. 130
48 do Nov. 6 Formal edict for the abolition of the regency 134
49 do Nov. 23 The missionary troubles quieted 135
50 Mr. Fish to Mr. Low Dec. 21 The audience question. The audience to be demanded. Concerted action recommended. 135
51 do Dec. 30 Approval of his course on the marriage of the Emperor. 136
52 do Dec. 31 Rights of missionaries. Course of Minister Low approved. 137
53 do 1873. Jan. 4 The kidnapping and the apprenticing Chinese children. 138
54 do Jan. 8 Disapproval of Consul Jewell’s course in taking jurisdiction of a criminal charge against a citizen of New Granada. 139
55 Mr. Low to Mr. Fish Jan. 15 Chinese students in America. Their treatment gratifying to Prince Kung. 140
56 do Jan. 18 No indications of the probable decision on the audience question. 143
57 do Feb. 20 Transshipment of contraband of war in the treaty ports. 144
58 do Feb. 22 Attempt to forestall the audience question. Concert of the foreign legations. 148
59 do Feb. 25 Official communication of decree that the Emperor is invested with full powers. 149
60 do Mar. 8 Receipt of Mr. Fish’s instructions on the audience question. 151
61 do Mar. 13 The audience question. Detail of negotiations 152
62 Mr. Fish to Mr. Low Mar. 15 The audience question. Views of the French government. 158
63 Mr. Low to Mr. Fish Mar. 15 The audience question. Further details of negotiations. 159
64 Mr. Low to Mr. Fish 1873. Mar. 20 The audience question. Ceremonies observed by Russian embassadors in former times. 162
65 do Mar. 22 The Emperor to visit the tombs of his ancestors 167
66 do Mar. 24 The audience question. Further details of negotiations. 167
67 do Mar. 29 Same subject, further details 172
68 do April 25 Same subject 174
69 do May 1 Same subject 176
70 do May 13 Visit of the Japanese embassy to Peking 177
71 do May 16 The audience question. Transmitting protocols of conferences. 179
72 do May 22 Chinese military preparations at Tien-Tsin. 182
73 do May 27 Chinese students in America 186
74 do June 7 Military preparations at Tien-Tsin. 186
75 do June 13 Japanese embassy in Peking 188
76 do June 15 Imperial decree for an audience. It concedes all that has been asked. 189
77 do June 27 The audience question. Further discussions 190
78 do June 30 Reception of the foreign ministers by the Emperor 194
79 do July 10 Account of the reception of the foreign ministers by the Emperor, with general inclosures relating thereto. 195
80 do July 22 Inclosing letters expressing missionaries’ appreciation of Mr. Low’s services. 201
81 Mr. Bailey to Mr. Davis Sept. 12 Coolie-trade. Its expulsion from Hong-Kong. Suggestions as to the Portuguese possessions. 203
82 Mr. Davis to Mr. Low Sept. 18 Approval of his course in regard to the audience question. 209

ix.—costa rica.

No. Date. Subject. Page.
83 Mr. Blair to Mr. Fish. 1873. May 12 Message of the President of Costa Rica to Congress 209
84 do June 23 History of Costa Rica during his mission 210


No. Date. Subject. Page.
85 Mr. Cramer to Mr. Fish 1872. Oct. 23 The proposed unification of the gold coinage of the Scandinavian kingdoms. 213
86 do Dec. 28 Same subject 215

xi.—dominican republic.

No. Date. Subject. Page.
87 Mr. Vickers to the President 1873. Sept 29 Relating to a protectorate over St. Domingo 213
88 Mr. Fish to Mr. Vickers Oct. 25 Regretting that these papers were not regularly transmitted to the Department of State. 223


[Page VII]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
89 Mr. Wing to Mr. Fish 1872. Dec. 6 Increase of trade with Germany 224
90 Mr. Wing to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 29 Dr. Reiss enters the crater of Cotopaxi: Extract from El National. 224
91 do Feb. 28 Exportation of Caucho 234
92 do Feb. 28 Reasons for the decline of Spanish-American trade with the United States, and the remedies. 236
93 do Mar. 20 Liability attitude of the Indians 237
94 do May 14 Hostile attitude of the Indians. 238


[Page VIII]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
95 Mr. Fish to Mr. Washburne. 1872. Oct. 19 Imprisonment of Charles Holzer as a spy 239
96 Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman Dec. 28 Same subject 240
97 Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish Dec. 19 Debate in the Assembly on the right of petition 241
98 do Dec. 30 French duties on agricultural implements 242
99 Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 10 Death of Napoleon III 243
100 do Jan. 17 General: The Commission of Thirty 244
101 do Jan. 31 The new military law. Its effect upon Frenchmen naturalized as American citizens. 245
102 do Feb. 13 Action of the French government respecting emigration. 245
103 Do Feb. 21 Political and general 246
104 Mr. Fish to Mr. Washburne. Mar. 1 Action of the French government respecting emigration. 247
105 do Mar. 14 Testimonials for the Genava arbitrators 248
106 Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish Mar. 18 Requests instructions respecting the operation of the new military law. 249
107 do Mar. 21 The Commission of Thirty 250
108 do April 11 Political condition of France 250
109 do April 23 Presentation of silver to Viscount d’Itajuba 251
110 do May 2 Result of the elections 252
111 do May 15 Same subject 253
112 do May 23 Report of Mr. Thiers and Mr. Dufaure on the fundamental law. 254
113 Mr. Fish to Mr. Washburne. June 28 The new military law of France. Rights of American citizens of French birth residing in France without intent to return. 256
114 Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish July 24 The Japanese question 261
115 Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish. July 31 Adjournment of the Assembly. Repeal of the discriminating tax on shipping. 262
116 Marquis de Noailles to Mr. Fish. Jan. 10 The international metre commission 263
117 Mr. Fish to Marquis de Noailles. Feb. 15 Return of Charles Hamilton to the United States 264
118 Marquis de Noailles to Mr. Fish. Feb. 15 Establishment of an international bureau of weights and measures. 264
119 M. de Remusat to Marquis de Noailles. (*) The Japanese exterritoriality questions 266
120 do (*) The Chinese audience question 266
121 Marquis de Noailles to Mr. Fish. June 9 The Japanese question 269
122 Due de Broglie to Marquis de Noailles. 1873.*) The election of Marshal McMahon as President 271
123 Marquis de Noailles to Mr. Fish. July 12 The Italian government does not ratify the Japanese convention. 271
124 Mr. Davis to Marquis de Noailles. July 22 Acknowledging receipt of same 272


No. Date. Subject. Page.
125 Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Fish 1872. Oct. 15 Death of Mr. Seward 273
126 Mr. Bliss to Mr. Fish Dec. 28 Retirement of Prince Bismarck from the presidency of the Prussian ministry. 274
127 Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 21 His visit to Constantinople and Egypt 275
128 do Jan. 25 Emigration from Germany to the United States 276
129 do Feb. 10 Transmitting an article from the Spener Gazette on the Sandwich Islands. 277
130 do Mar. 17 Opening of Parliament. Increase of military power. 278
131 Mr. Fish to Mr. Bancroft Mar. 22 Oppressive fines on American vessels in Cuba. Co-operative action invited from Germany. 279
132 do April 14 It is desirable to have but one convention to regulate the status of naturalized Germans in the United States. 279
133 Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Fish April 14 Incloses a copy of a note to the, German government on the subject of fines on vessels in Cuba. 282
134 do April 28 Visit of the Emperor of Germany to St. Petersburg 283
135 do May 5 Same subject. Don Carlos. General 283
136 do May 8 Revision of naturalization treaties 284
137 do May 26 Review of the doings of the Prussian Diet 290
138 do June 2 Visit of the Shah of Persia to Berlin. 292
139 Mr. Fish to Mr. Bancroft June 4 Unification of the naturalization treaties 293
140 Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Fish June 16 Visit of the Shah. The German Parliament 293
141 do July 12 Review of the doings of the Imperial Diet. Banks of issue to redeem in specie. 294
142 do July 18 Germany, not having recognized the existing government in Spain, cannot take part in remonstrances against Cuban fines. 296
143 do July 19 The German government agrees with the United States as to the Japanese proposals to Italy concerning exterritoriality. 296
144 do Aug. 1 Darmstadt is not sending pardoned convicts to the United States. 296
145 Mr. Bliss to Mr. Fish. Aug. 4 Want of agricultural laborers in Germany 297
146 Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Fish Sept. 1 No commission was appointed under the treaty of Utrecht to fix the boundary between French and British provinces in America. 297
147 Mr. Schlözer to Mr. Fish 1872. Dec. 9 Pardoned convicts in Germany are not sent to the United States. 299
148 do Dec. 27 Same subject 299
149 Mr. Davis to Mr. Stumm 1873. July 25 Reasons why Carl Voght, a fugitive from justice, cannot be surrendered. 300
[Page IX]

xv.—great britain.

[Page X]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
150 General Schenck to Mr. Fish 1872. Oct. 7 The three rules of the treaty of Washington. Opposition of Austria. Probable opposition of Germany. Conversation with Lord Granville. 301
151 Mr. Moran to Mr. Fish Nov. 21 Transmitting the British extradition act of 1870 302
152 do Nov. 23 Inclosing letters to the President and Mr. Fish from General Kirkham, an Englishman, representing himself as special envoy of the Emperor of Abyssinia. 310
153 General Schenck to Mr. Fish 1373. Jan. 23 Laws in force in Great Britain respecting inspection of steamships. 312
154 do Mar. 5 Burmese embassy to London 318
155 do Mar. 22 Ministerial crisis. Debate on the three rules of the treaty of Washington. 319
156 Mr. Fish to General Schenck Mar. 27 Instructs him to inform Lord Granville of the enactment of laws in the United States necessary to carry into effect the treaty of Washington, and to suggest that authority be given Sir E. Thornton to sign a protocol. 353
157 General Schenck to Mr. Fish April 5 Medal of the Royal Geographical Society for Mr. H. M. Stanley. 353
158 do April 26 Spanish fines in Cuba 354
159 do April 26 The proposed protocol respecting time when Canadian articles of treaty of Washington shall go into effect. 355
160 do April 29 Same subject 356
161 do May 1 Concerning proposal to resume negotiations for a consular convention. 356
162 do May 3 Debate upon the Berlin arbitration 357
163 Mr. Davis to Gen’l Schenck. May 20 The proposed protocol respecting the Canadian articles of the Treaty of Washington. 366
164 General Schenck to Mr. Fish May 22 Consular convention 367
165 do May 27 Debate upon appropriation for payment of the Geneva award. 367
166 do June 9 Canadian articles to the Treaty of Washington. Earl Granville informed him that protocol had been signed at Washington. 377
167 Mr. Fish to General Schenck. June 13 Increase in tariff on rum and tobacco in British possessions on the gold coast of Africa. 378
168 do June 21 Japanese proposals to Italian government respecting exterritoriality and revision of treaty. 382
169 do June 24 Slave trade between Tripoli and the Levant ports via Malta. 384
170 General Schenck to Mr. Fish July 3 No present prospect of concluding a consular convention. Reasons for delay. 39
171 do July 5 Conversation with Lord Granville relative to the communication of the three rules of the treaty of Washington to the maritime powers. 398
172 do July 16 Excessive duties on the gold coast of Africa. 399
173 do July 16 Slave trade between Tripoli and the Levant 399
174 do July 19 Proposed treaty between Japan and Italy 400
175 do Aug. 5 Proposed legislation in England looking toward a consular convention. 401
176 Mr. Fish to General Schenck. Aug. 12 Negotiations respecting the form of the note to the maritime powers. 402
177 Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Fish. 1872. Dec. 4 Canadian legislation relating to the treaty of Washington. 402
178 Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Fish. 1873. Jan. 24 Imperial legislation on the same subject. 403
179 do Jan. 30 Legislation of Prince Edward Island on the same subject. 407
180 do Feb. 10 Inclosing memoranda of interviews between Lord Granville and the Japanese embassy. 408
181 do Feb. 19 Jurisdiction assumed by judicial officers of the United States in New Orleans and Galveston over British vessels and their crews. 416
182 do Mar. 8 The Privy Council of Canada recommend that American fishermen be allowed to fish within three miles of the Canadian shore before July 1. 418
183 Mr. Fish to Sir E. Thornton. Mar. 14 Acknowledging the last and conveying the President’s appreciation of the liberality of the Privy Council. 418
184 Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Fish. Mar. 20 Tonnage dues on steamships 419
185 Mr. Fish to Sir E. Thornton April 7 In reply to his note of February 19, (No. 180 supra.). 420
186 Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Fish. April 9 Tonnage dues on steamships 421
187 do May 1 Judicial reforms in Egypt. Views of the British government. 421
188 do May 31 Same subject. Correspondence between Lord Granville and Sir H. Elliot. 424
189 do June 19 Newfoundland proposes to admit United States fishermen to the seal fisheries on condition of a free market in the United States for the produce of the Newfoundland seal fisheries. 426
190 do June 19 Transmitting Newfoundland legislation respecting the fishery articles of the Treaty of Washington. 426
191 do June 24 Canadian legislation respecting deck-loads 427
192 Mr. Fish to Sir E. Thornton. June 25 In reply to 189 supra. Insufficiency of the legislation. 429
193 Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Davis. July 9 Conveying Lord Granville’s thanks for the aid rendered by the United States Consul at Zanzibar in negotiation of a treaty for the suppression of the slave trade. 430
194 do July 18 Transmitting a copy of the treaty between Great Britain and the Sultan of Zanzibar. Slaves. 430
194a Mr. Campbell to Mr. Fish Sept. 22 Progress made in determining and marking the northern boundary of the United States.* 432


No. Date. Subject. Page.
195 Mr. Francis to Mr. Fish 1873. Feb. 10 Kidnapping of Caratacciolo, an Italian, at Corfu 432
196 do Feb. 15 General election in Greece. Cost of elections 433
197 do Feb. 22 Caratacciolo’s case 434
198 do Mar. 1 Opening of the Chamber of Deputies. The King’s speech. 435
199 do Mar. 1 Caratacciolo’s case. He is allowed his liberty 437
200 do May 24 An account of a journey into the Morea 437
[Page XI]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
201 Mr. Hudson to Mr. Fish 1872. Oct. 17 Guatemala; its physical characteristics; its political institutions; the character of its inhabitants, &c. 440


No. Date. Subject. Page.
202 Mr. Bassett to Mr. Fish 1872. Nov. 6 The currency of Hayti; its depreciation, and the causes, and the attempted remedies. 447
203 do Nov. 23 The Cabral insurrection in Saint Domingo, and its relations to Hayti. 452
204 do Nov. 28 Haytien views regarding the re-election of President Grant. 453
205 do Dec. 12 The currency of Hayti 454
206 do 1873. Jan. 30 German squadron at Port au Prince 455
207 do Jan. 30 Arrival of the Wyoming at Port au Prince 455
208 do Feb. 17 Elections in Hayti 456
209 do Feb. 17 Relief of citizens abroad 458
210 do Mar. 11 Insurrection and dissatisfaction with the government. 458
211 Mr. Fish to Mr. Bassett Mar. 26 Diplomatic immunities 459
212 Mr. Bassett to Mr. Fish Mar. 26 Arrest of political offenders in the British vice-consulate at Puerto Plata. 460
213 do April 7 Same subject 463
214 do April 16 Same subject 463
215 do May 6 Outbreak at Gonaives, February 3 465
216 do May 6 The elections, and comments upon Haitien politics 466
217 do May 19 Haitien politics 469
218 do May 19 Same subject 470
219 do June 10 Same subject 473
220 do June 10 Leave of absence of consular officers at Miragoave 474
221 do Aug. 19 Message of President Saget to the Corps Legislate 475

xix.—hawaiian islands.

[Page XII]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
222 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Fish 1872. May 6 The King’s speech at the opening of the Legislative Assembly. 480
223 do July 22 Illness of the King 483
224 Mr. Fish to Mr. Peirce Oct. 5 Dr. McGraw’s hospital 483
225 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Fish Dec. 11 Death of the King 485
226 do Dec. 18 Candidates for the succession 486
227 do 1873. Jan. 4 Political. Informal vote of the people; selection of William C. Lunalilo as King. 488
228 do Jan. 10 Election of William Charles Lunalilo by the Legislative Assembly. 501
229 Mr. Peirce to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 13 Funeral of the late King 506
230 do Jan. 15 Formation of the new ministry; extracts from newspapers. 507
231 do Mar. 8 Census of the Hawaiian kingdom 512
232 do Mar. 10 Trip of the Benicia with His Majesty the King on board. 513
233 Mr. Fish to Mr. Peirce June 14 Has learned, with regret, that the Hawaiian government is disposed to favor the coolie trade. 515


No. Date. Subject. Page.
234 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Fish 1872. June 24 Prosperity of Italy; disadvantages of Rome as a capital; efforts to remove them. 516
235 do Dec. 9 Regulation of religious corporations at Rome 517
236 do Dec. 19 Reasons for closing American charity-schools in Rome. 517
237 do 1873. Jan. 22 Emigration of destitute Italians to America; action of the Italian government. 519
238 do June 25 Defeat of the ministry 522
239 do June 26 Regulation of religious corporations at Rome 522
240 do July 10 Formation of a new ministry by Mr. Minghetti. 523


[Page XIII]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
241 Mr. Fish to Mr. De Long 1872. Aug. 29 Mr. Shephard’s proceedings as to the Peruvian bark Maria Luz, engaged in the coolie trade, approved. 524
242 Mr. De Long to Mr. Fish Sept. 3 The case of the Maria Luz 524
243 do Sept. 27 Case of the Maria Luz. Mr. De Long’s course as acting minister of Peru; inclosures. 525
244 do Nov. 6 Annexation of Lew-Chew to Japan; expedition against Formosa; consultations with General Le Gendre. 553
245 do Nov. 21 Case of the Maria Luz; action of Mr. De Long respecting the same. 555
246 Mr. Fish to Mr. De Long Dec. 5 Regrets that he has interfered in the case of the Maria Luz. 563
247 do Dec. 18 Approves of his action as to Lew-Chew; awaits further advices as to Formosa. 564
248 Mr. De Long to Mr. Fish Dec. 21 The Japanese adopt the European calendar 565
249 do Dec. 24 Conveyances or pledges of lands to foreigners by Japanese forbidden; Japanese do not guarantee certainty or expedition in dispatch of telegrams. 565
250 Mr. Fish to Mr. De Long. Dec. 28 His proceedings as to the Maria Luz approved 567
251 do Dec. 30 Relations between Japan and China: General Le Gendre. 567
252 Mr. De Long to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 22 Relations between Peru and Japan 568
253 Mr. Fish to Mr. De Long Feb. 26 Extent of the power to make regulations 570
254 Mr. De Long to Mr. Fish. 1873. Mar. 9 Relations between Peru and Japan; a Peruvian mission at Yokohama; good offices of the minister. 572
255 Mr. Fish to Mr. De Long Mar. 10 Approving his course respecting the relations between Peru and Japan. 582
256 do Mar. 21 Good offices of the United States authorized for the settlement of the Maria Luz affair. 583
257 Mr. De Long to Mr. Fish April 21 1 Relations between Japan and Peru. 584
258 do May 8 Same subject 585
259 do June 2 Transmitting a copy of the Peruvian note to the Japanese government respecting the Maria Luz. 586
260 do June 6 Transmitting copy of the treaty of peace and amity between China and Japan. 602
261 do June 17 Transmitting correspondence with the Peruvian legation respecting the American legation in China. 605
262 do June 19 Japanese reply in the case of the Maria Luz 607
263 do June 21 Agreement to arbitrate the Maria Luz case 616
264 do July 5 Protocol for arbitration of Maria Luz case 617
265 do Aug. 20 The Maraia Luz 619
266 do Sept. 2 Transmitting copy of treaty between Japan and Peru. 629


[Page XIV]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
267 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish 1872. Sept. 20 Transmitting speeches of the President of the republic and the president of Congress on the opening of Congress. 631
268 do Sept. 23 Transmitting Mexican note respecting conduct of Mexican officers on the frontier. 633
269 do Sept. 30 Cattle-stealing on the frontier 634
270 do Sept. 30 Revolts in Sinaloa and Chihuahua 634
271 Mr. Bliss to Mr. Fish Oct. 31 Election of President 635
272 do Dec. 3 Inauguration of the President 635
273 do Dec. 7 Transmitting message of the President of the Republic at the opening of Congress, and reply of the president of Congress. 636
274 do Dec. 7 Congratulations of the diplomatic corps on the inauguration of the President. 638
275 do Dec. 14 Regulations of the Mexican commissioners to investigate outrages on the frontier. 639
276 do Dec. 17 Speech of the President at the close of Congress and reply. 641
277 Mr. Fish to Mr. Nelson 1873. Jan. 16 Predatory incursions of Indians from Mexico into the United States. 643
278 do Jan. 22 Export duty on silver intended for the Government of the United States. 644
279 do Jan. 22 Raids of cattle thieves into Texas from Mexico 645
280 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish Jan. 31 Opening of the railway from Vera Cruz to Mexico. Disturbances on the west coast. 647
281 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish 1873. Feb. 10 Transmitting copy of his letter to president of New Orleans Chamber of Commerce respecting trade and commerce. 643
282 Mr. Fish to Mr. Nelson Feb. 11 Instructions to use his good offices on behalf of certain British subjects. 654
283 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish Feb. 15 End of the insurrection 655
284 do Mar. 1 Election of chief justice. Current political news 655
285 do Mar. 4 Correspondence between Lord Granville and the Mexican minister for Foreign Affairs concerning British Honduras. 656
286 do Mar. 15 Depredations from Mexico upon Texas 661
287 do Mar. 31 Political and general news 662
288 do April 5 Opening of the National Congress. 662
289 do April 24 Correspondence respecting removal of the Kickapoo Indians. 665
290 do April 25 Concerning cattle-thieves 666
291 do April 26 Protestant missionaries satisfied with the statements of President Lerdo. 667
292 do May 1 General political and military intelligence 668
293 do May 17 Same subjects 669
294 do June 7 Speeches at the close of the session of Congress 670
295 Mr. Foster to Mr. Fish June 28 Contract between the Mexican government and Edward L. Plumb for the construction of the International Railroad. 673
296 do July 19 General political news 690
297 do Aug. 27 Depredations of the Apache Indians 690
298 do Sept. 20 Observance of the Mexican national anniversary. Opening of Congress. Speech of President Lerdo. Reply of the President of Congress. 693
299 Mr. Schuchardt to Mr. Hunter. 1872. Jan. 3 Condition of affairs in Piedras Negras. Insurrection. 697
300 do Jan. 10 Continuance of the insurrection. Destruction of property. Robberies. Injuries to American citizens. 699
301 do July 15 Report upon the condition of affairs at Piedras Negras. The Indians in Mexico. 701
302 do Aug. 29 The Indians in Mexico and on the border 706
303 do Sept. 1 Same subject 706
304 do 1873. Jan. 30 Cattle-stealing from Texas 707
305 do Mar. 29 Indian raid into Texas. 708
306 do May 17 White captives from Texas in the Indian camps in Mexico. 709
[Page XV]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
307 Mr. Fish to Mr. Mathews 1872. Oct 23 Case of Harned Ducaly 711
308 Mr. Mathews to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 22 Marriage of a lineal descendant of Mahomet to an English lady. Ceremony performed by the British minister. 711


No. Date. Subject. Page.
309 Mr. Gorham to Mr. Fish 1873. Mar. 7 Arrival of Japanese ambassadors at the Hague 712
310 do April 4 Ministerial statements in the second chamber respecting the Achanese war. 713
311 do July 29 The Dutch government informed of the views of the United States respecting the Japanese proposition to the Italian government concerning exterritoriality. 714
312 Mr. Westenberg to Mr. Fish Jan. 29 Asking to have Dutch steamers exempted from tonnage dues, on the ground that Belgian vessels are exempt by treaty, and Holland is entitled, under the treaty of 1782, to the privileges of the most favored nation. 714
313 Mr. Fish to Mr. Westenberg. Feb. 19 Denying that the treaty of 1782 is still in force 715
314 Mr. Westenberg to Mr. Fish. Mar. 8 Contending that the treaty of 1782 is still in force, and renewing the request. 716
315 do Mar. 17 The same subject 718
316 Mr. Fish to Mr. Westenberg. April 9 Showing from historical documents that the treaty of 1782 is not in force. 720
317 Mar. 4 Report of a conference between the Dutch minister for Foreign Affairs and the Japanese ambassadors, received by Mr. Fish from Mr. Westenberg April 10, 1872. 727
318 Mr. Westenberg to Mr. Fish. May 31 Official information of a state of war between the Netherlands and Acheen. 730


No. Date. Subject. Page.
319 Mr. Riotte to Mr. Fish 1872. May 27 Relations with Costa Rica. Interoceanic communications. The San Juan River and the Colorado. 732
320 do June 20 Same sujects 735
321 do Oct 20 Treaty between Nicaragua and Italy. Reasons why it may not be best for the United States to insist upon enjoying the same privileges under the favored-nation clause. 743
[Page XVI]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
322 Mr. Thomas to Mr. Fish 1872. Sept. 26 The friendly sentiments of the government of Peru toward the United States. 744
323 do Oct. 21 Financial condition and prospects of Peru. The congress of Panama. 745
324 do Oct. 21 Transmitting copies of President Pardo’s inaugural address, and of his special message to Congress respecting the financial condition of Peru. 746
325 do Nov. 21 Importance of the diplomatic relations between the United States and powers bordering upon the Pacific, and of railroads and steamship lines connecting with the South American republics. 754
326 do Dec. 13 Special session of Congress. President Pardo’s speech at the opening. 755
327 do Dec. 27 Unsuccessful conspiracy to assassinate the President and overthrow the government. 758
328 do 1873 Feb. 27 Inclosing protocol of conference between the minister for foreign affairs and the Colombian Minister Resident respecting an interoceanic canal. The United States desired to lead in the measure. 760
329 do April 4 14,269 Chinese coolies shipped for Peru during previous years, of whom 12,876 arrived, and 1,393 died on the voyage. 761
330 do April 29 Inclosing translation of speech of President Pardo at the close of the extra session of Congress. 762


No. Date. Subject. Page.
331 Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Fish 1872. Dec. 21 Difference between Russia and England in Central Asia. 765
332 do 1873. Jan. 8 Same subject 768
333 do Jan. 29 Same subject 770
334 do Feb. 4 Same subject 771
335 do Feb. 17 Same subject 772
336 do Mar. 18 Mr. Orr arrives and enters on his duties 781
337 Mr. Orr to Mr. Fish Mar. 18 Same subject 782
338 do Mar. 18 Mr. Schuyler’s conduct as chargé d’affaires satisfactory to Russian government. 783
339 do May 2 Arrival of Japanese embassy at St. Petersburg 783


[Page XVII]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
340 Mr. Biddle to Mr. Fish 1872. Nov. 11 The measures taken by the government in the late war sanctioned by the National Constituent Congress. Proposed bank for loans on hypothecation of real estate. 784
341 do Nov. 30 Inclosing constitution framed by National Constituent Congress. 788
342 do Dec. 12 Death of the minister of foreign relations 794
343 Mr. Biddle to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 29 Receipts and expenditures of Salvador for the fiscal year. Political condition of Central America. 795
344 do Mar. 10 Repeated shocks of earthquakes in Salvador, and reported volcanic eruptions. 796
345 do Mar. 18 Transmitting copy of a treaty of amity and commerce between Germany and Salvador. 796
346 do Mar. 22 Account of the earthquake which overwhelmed the city of San Salvador and its vicinity, March 19. 808
347 do Mar. 24 Kindness and courtesy of Commander Kennedy, of Her Majesty’s ship Reindeer, in offering shelter to Mr. Biddle and his family. 810
348 do April 4 Laws enacted by the National Constituent Congress respecting liberty of the press and martial law. 811
349 do April 10 The late earthquakes; attempts to remove the capital. Political condition of the country. 814
350 do April 15 New laws regulating trials by jury 814
351 do April 29 Military organizations of Salvador 821
352 do May 1 Foreign relations of Salvador 821
353 do May 24 Political and commercial condition of country 822
354 do June 9 Agricultural capability of the valley of the volcano of Santa Yeda; its yield in sugar and grasses. 822
355 do June 30 Mr. Biddle takes leaves of the government 823


[Page XVIII] [Page XIX] [Page XX]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
356 General Sickles to Mr. Fish. 1872. Nov. 24 Relations between Spain and the United States; conversation with Mr. Martos. Reforms in Porto Rico. 825
357 do Nov. 24 Resistance to military conscription 828
358 do Dec. 3 Emancipation in Porto Rico 829
359 do Dec. 3 Same subject 830
360 do Dec. 11 Interpellation in the Chambers respecting sale of government slaves in Cuba. 830
361 do Dec. 14 Same subject 832
362 do Dec. 15 Debate respecting Cuban grievances and the conduct of the war in Cuba. 832
363 do Dec. 16 Debate respecting colonial reforms 833
364 do Dec. 16 Naval force of Spain 834
365 do Dec. 16 Measures adopted by the reactionists to defeat colonial reform. 835
366 do Dec. 17 The decree establishing municipal institutions in Porto Rico. 839
367 do Dec. 22 Colonial policy accepted by both houses 841
368 Mr. Fish to General Sickles. Dec. 23 Embargoed estates in Cuba 842
369 General Sickles to Mr. Fish. (Telegram.) Dec. 24 Bill presented in Chamber of Deputies for immediate emancipation in Porto Rico. 842
370 do (Telegram.) Dec. 29 Pending cases in Cuba affecting citizens of the United States. 842
371 do (Telegram.) 1873. Jan. 3 Proposed bases of pacification in Cuba 842
372 General Sickles to Mr. Fish 1873. Jan. 3 Embargoed estates in Cuba 843
373 Mr. Fish to General Sickles (Telegram.) Jan. 7 The proposed basis for the pacification of Cuba 843
374 do Jan. 8 Sale of government slaves in Cuba 844
375 General Sickles to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) Jan. 18 Embargoed estates in Cuba 844
376 do (Telegram.) Jan. 18 No fines to be imposed on captains or supercargoes in Cuba without approval of Intendente. 844
377 do Jan. 19 Ministerial crisis in Spain. Debate on the abolition of slavery. Colonial reforms. 845
378 do Jan. 27 Fines on vessels and supercargoes in Cuba 886
379 do (Telegram.) Jan. 30 Asks instructions in view of possible change in form of government. 887
380 do (Telegram.) Feb. 10 King has announced his desire to abdicate 887
381 do (Telegram.) Feb. 11 Permanent session of chamber 887
382 do (Telegram.) Feb. 11 Union of the two houses 888
383 do (Telegram.) Feb. 11 Republican form of government adopted 888
384 do (Telegram.) Feb. 11 Abdication of the King 888
385 do (Telegram.) Feb. 11 Formation of an executive government 888
386 Mr. Fish to General Sickles (Telegram.) Feb. 12 Recognize republican government as soon as fully established. 889
387 General Sickles to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) Feb. 12 The Spanish Republic looks to United States for sympathy and support. 889
388 do Feb. 12 Official notification of new government 889
389 do Feb. 13 Acknowledges Mr. Fish’s telegram of 12th 890
390 do Feb. 15 Official reception by the new government 890
391 Mr. Fish to General Sickles (Telegram.) Feb. 14 The good wishes of the people and Government of the United States for the republic of Spain. 890
392 General Sickles to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) Feb. 16 Communicates Mr. Fish’s telegrams of the 12th and 14th. Received with satisfaction. 891
393 do Feb. 18 Detailed account of events connected with establishment of the republic. Debate and action in the Cortes. 891
394 Mr. Fish to General Sickles (Telegram.) Mar. 6 Joint resolution of Congress congratulating people of Spain. 926
395 General Sickles to Mr. Fish Mar. 11 Proceedings in communicating instructions to recognize the Republic. 926
396 Mr. Fish to General Sickles Mar. 12 Inclosing certified copy of the joint resolution of Congress. 930
397 General Sickles to Mr. Fish Mar. 14 He communicates the action of Congress to the Spanish government. 930
398 Mr. Fish to General Sickles Mar. 21 Instructions respecting the imposition of fines in Cuba. 932
399 General Sickles to Mr. Fish Mar. 27 Emancipation of slavery in Porto Rico. Copy of the act and of the speech of Mr. Castellar, &c. 950
400 do Mar. 30 Interview with the Ministers of State and Colonies respecting pending questions. 959
401 General Sickles to Mr. Fish. 1873. Mar. 30 Address of the executive to the Spanish nation 962
402 do April 5 Liberation of a number of slaves in Cuba by the government. 964
403 Mr. Fish to General Sickles April 30 Acknowledging the last. The President receives the intelligence with great satisfaction. 966
404 General Sickles to Mr. Fish May 10 Reception by President Figueras. Speeches. Comments of the Madrid press. 966
405 do May 17 Result of the elections favorable to the republicans. Hostile demonstration of militia suppressed without firing. Dissolution of assembly. 973
406 do May 26 Wrongs to American citizens in Cuba. Speedy redress promised. 987
407 do June 1 Fines imposed in Cuba. Action of General Sickles. 989
408 do June 12 The Royal order of 1825 conferring extraordinary powers on the Captain-General of Cuba still in force. 999
409 do June 12 Decree abolishing hereditary office of Grand Chancellor of the Indies. 1001
410 do July 5 Transmitting a copy of a petition of the Spanish Emancipation Society to the Cortes. 1003
411 do July 11 Embargoed estates in Cuba. Probable favorable action of the government. 1006
412 do July 14 Decree raising embargoes and ordering restoration of property. 1008
413 do (Telegram.) July 24 No reforms to be granted in Cuba till insurgents lay down arms. 1010
414 do July 27 Naval insurrection at Carthagena 1010
415 do July 31 Modified views of ministers respecting the colonial question. 1015
416 do Aug. 8 Bill for the separation of Church and State in Spain. 1023
417 do Aug. 8 Insurrection in Valencia. Action of the Consuls 1024
418 do Aug. 8 Bill of Rights granted to Porto Rico 1026
419 do Aug. 23 Inclosing Vice-Consul Eders’s account of the progress of the insurrection in Seville. 1029
420 Mr. Fish to General Sickles Aug. 27 Hopes the views of the Ministers respecting granting reforms in Cuba may be modified. 1032
421 General Sickles to Mr. Fish Aug. 27 The government declines to make changes in the laws respecting fines in Cuba. 1033
422 do Aug. 28 Transmitting a report from the United States consular agent at Almeria of the bombardment of that place. 1034
423 Mr. Fish to General Sickles. (Telegram.) Sept. 9 Embargoed estates in Cuba 1035
424 General Sickles to Mr. Fish. (Telegram.) Sept. 19 Orders sent for immediate release of embargoed estates. Captain-General answers that all claims have been decided favorably. 1036
425 do Oct. 17 1872. Customs fines imposed in Cuba. Action of General Sickles. 1036
426 do Oct. 23 Same subject. Action of British and Swedish governments. 1045
427 Mr. Fish to Admiral Polo de Bernabe. Dec. 17. The case of Augustin Santa Rosa 1047
428 do 1873 Jan. 30 The renting of the embargoed estates by the Colonial government. 1050
429 Mr. Castelar to Admiral Polo de Bernabe. 1873. Feb. 12 [Left with Mr. Fish by Admiral Polo March 6, 1873.] Announcing the change to a republican form of government. 1052
430 Mr. Castelar to Admiral Polo de Bernabe. Feb. 25 Left with to Mr. Fish by Admiral Polo March 20, 1873.] The causes which have induced the change of government. 1054
431 Mr. Duffie to Mr. Davis July27 Insurrection at Cadiz. Action of the consular corps 1059
432 do Aug. 5 Same subject 1062
433 Mr. Hancock to Mr. Davis Aug. 2 Insurrection in Malaga 1064

xxx.—sweden and norway.

No. Date. Subject. Page.
434 Mr. Andrews to Mr. Fish 1873. April 15 The oppressive fines upon vessels, their masters and cargoes, in Cuba. 1065
435 do May 21 Coronation of Oscar II as King of Sweden 1066
436 do Sept. 4 Coronation as King of Norway. Traveling in Norway. 1067


No. Date. Subject. Page.
437 Mr. Rublee to Mr. Fish 1872. Nov. 30 The Catholic question in Switzerland 1071
438 do 1873. Feb. 4 Same subject 1075
439 do Feb. 18 Same subject. Expulsion of Mgr. de Mermillod from Geneva. 1079
440 do Feb. 20 Same subject. Transmits a semi-official article from the “Bund” upon it. 1081
441 do Feb. 26 Same subject 1083
442 do Mar. 26 Same subject. Amendment of the constitution of the Canton of Geneva. 1084
443 Mr. Fish to Mr. Rublee Mar. 28 Testimonial to Mr. Stämpfli 1086
444 Mr. Upton to Mr. Fish April 28 Presentation of the testimonial to Mr. Stämpfli 1087
445 Mr. Rublee to Mr. Fish June 30 Re-imbursement to the Swiss government of one moiety of Mr. Stampfli’s expenses. 1087
446 do July 10 Revision of Swiss Constitution; reports of Heads of Departments; extradition, &c. 1088
447 do July 26 Proposed revision of the Swiss Constitution 1089
448 do Aug. 4 The Catholic question; expulsion of Mgr. Mermillod; action of the Federal Chambers. 1090
449 do Sept. 18 The Catholic question. Judicial proceedings in the Canton of Berne. 1096
450 do Sept. 26 Concessions for railways in Switzerland 1097
[Page XXI]

xxxii.—turkish empire.

1. Ottoman Porte.

No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
451 Mr. Boker to Mr. Fish 1872. Oct. 1 Judicial reforms in Egypt 1100
452 do Oct. 20 Ministerial changes; general politics 1104
453 do Nov. 30 Necessity of a national vessel at Beirut 1105
454 do 1873. Mar. 18 Slave-trade between the Barbary States and Constantinople. 1106
455 do Mar. 20 Changes in the Turkish cabinet 1107
456 do April 4 Judicial reforms in Egypt 1108
457 do April 14 Exportation of Arab horses and of wheat forbidden 1109
458 do April 15 Change of ministry; general considerations 1110
459 do April 19 Protocol extending European capitulations to Tripoli. 1111
460 do April 21 Judicial reforms in Egypt 1112
461 do May 16 Changes in the ministry 1117
462 do May 29 Great Britain accepts the plan for judicial reform in Egypt. 1118
463 do July 2 The new political relations with Egypt 1119

2. Egypt.

No. Date. Subject. Page.
464 Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Hale 1872. Oct. 16 Operations of Egyptian troops in the country of Borgos. 1119
465 Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish Nov. 15 The Sultan’s firman of September 10, and the Hatt of September 25, 1872, regulating the relations between Egypt and the Ottoman Porte. 1122
466 do Dec. 12 Railroad connections with Upper Egypt. Political relations with Abyssinia. 1123
467 do 1873. Jan. 3 Sir Bartle Frere; suppression of the slave-trade 1124
468 do Jan. 7 Arrival of the Congress at Alexandria 1125
469 do Jan. 25 National schools at Cairo; distribution of prizes 1125
470 do Feb. 15 Marriage of Prince Hassan and the marriage festivities. 1126
471 do Feb. 24 The Soudan railway 1127
472 do Feb. 25 Arrival of the Hartford at Port Said 1129
473 do April 3 Arrival of the Wabash and Wachusett at Alexandria; visit to Suez Canal. 1129

3. Tunis.

[Page XXII]
No. Date. Subject. Page.
474 Mr. Heap to Mr. Hunter 1872. Dec. 31 Review of the political, financial, agricultural, and industrial condition of the Regency for the year. 1130
475 do Dec. 31 Murder of the United States Consular Agent at Bizerta. 1133
476 do 1873. April 8 Same subject. Obstacles in the way of punishing the murderers. 1133
477 Mr. Heap to Mr. Hunter 1873. May 29 Same subject. Interview with the Bey; the Consul informs him that a naval force will be sent to Tunis. 1136
478 do June 2 Same subject. Trial of the murderers 1136
479 do June 7 French occupation of a portion of Tunisian territory. 1137
480 do June 11 Official information respecting trial and sentence of the murderers of the dragoman. 1137

4. Tripoli.

No. Date. Subject. Page.
481 Mr. Vidal to Mr. Hunter .1871. April 10 Visit of the Guerriere to Tripoli. She takes away the main anchor of the Philadelphia. 1138
482 do May 26 Visit of the Guerriere. No consular flags hoisted. Details of the reception bv the Pasha. 1138
483 do 1872. Dec. 28 Slave-trade between Tripoli and Constantinople by way of Malta. 1141
484 do 1873. Jan. 6 Same subject 1144
485 do Feb, 14 Efforts of New York Bible Society in Roumania would be more advantageously employed on the, coast of Africa. Social, political, and religious condition of the people. 1145
486 do Feb. 19 Sketch of the political relations and connections between Tripoli and the Ottoman Porte. 1148
487 do Feb. 25 Political relations between Tripoli and the Ottoman Porte. Reasons for regarding the treaties between the United States and Tripoli as still in force. 1157
488 do May 27 Speech of Lord Clarence Paget at Malta, indicating a British intention of occupying a part of the northern coast of Africa. 1167
[Page XXIII]


No. Date. Subject. Page.
489 Mr. Pile to Mr. Fish 1872. Sept. 9 The steamer Virginius 1169
490 do Sept. 23 Same subject 1170
491 do Dec. 10 A German fleet at La Guaira 1171
492 1873. May 7 Inclosing a copy of decrees issued by Guzman Blanco, Dictator, and calling attention to laws affecting foreigners domiciled in Venezuela. 1171
493 do May 26 Political condition of the country. Extra session of Congress. Questions with the United States, &c. 1172
494 do June 27 Suspension of diplomatic relations between Venezuela and Colombia. Action of Congress on the claims of the United States. 1174
495 do July 1 Correspondence with the minister of foreign affairs respecting the authenticity of the message of the President of Venezuela to Congress. 1174


[For a complete list of these papers see post pages 1180 to 1183.]

  1. Copy handed to Mr. Fish March 13.
  2. Copy handed to Mr. Fish March 13.
  3. Handed to Mr. Fish by the Marquis de Noailles June 19.
  4. For a further report on the progress of the work, see Appendix at the end of volume II.