No. 654.
General Sickles to Mr. Fish.

No. 886.]

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith a translation of a private note from Mr. Carvajal at a late hour last night, and a copy of my reply thereto, in relation to the suspension of official action on my request for my passports.

I am, &c,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 886.—Translation.]

Mr. José de Carvajal to General Sickles.


My Dear General: A common friend has given me to understand that the note I sent you this morning at an early hour had not reached your hands when at 2 o’clock in the afternoon you sent me yours asking your passports, and that it would be agreeable to you if action were not taken (no se diera cur so) on the latter.

For my part, I can assure you that this would also be very satisfactory to me, and I beg that you will kindly let me know if I may do so, thus accomplishing the desires of both.

I repeat, &c,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 886.]

General Sickles to Mr. José de Carvajal.


My Dear Mr. Carvajal: In reply to your note of to-night I have to state, in view of the communication received from you this afternoon at half-past 2, soon after I had asked for my passports, that you are at liberty to defer any reply to my note until the request be renewed, if unhappily our negotiations fail, and I should be constrained again to take that step.

I am, &c,