No. 17.
Mr. Jay to Mr. Fish.

No. 800.]

Sir: Major General H. G. Wright and General C. B. Comstock called upon me yesterday, and reported the arrival at Vienna of the commission appointed by the President in reference to the improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi.

Learning that they wished to see what was to be seen here as soon as possible, and having as yet received no reply from the foreign office to the note which I addressed to the Count Andrássy on the 4th September, and of which I sent you a copy with my No. 796, I called immediately on the Baron von Hofmann, now acting as the minister for foreign affairs; his excellency explained the delay in the replying to my note by alluding to the absence of nearly all the officials at this season; but promised to attend to the matter without any delay.

This morning I received from him a note, of which I inclose the original, a translation, and a copy of my reply. This evening his excellency dined with General Wright and General Comstock and a few other gentlemen at the legation, and furnished them with the addresses of two additional departments in Vienna, where they would be officially aided in their inquiries. I subsequently presented General Wright to Sir Andrew Buchanan, the British ambassador, who obligingly offered to send him a note of introduction to an English officer hear the mouth of the Danube; and General Von Schweinitz will give him another to a German officer connected with the Danube commission on the Black Sea 5 and the Baron. Von Hofmann is to send me an official note, commending the commission to the authorities at Pesth.

To-morrow General Wright and the members of the board are to inspect the new Danube regulation near Vienna under official guidance, and on Sunday evening, the 20th, they propose to proceed to Pesth.

I have, &c.,

[Page 42]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 800.—Translation.]

Count Andrássy to Mr. Jay.

In gladly complying with the wish expressed in the esteemed note of the 4th of this month, the minister for foreign affairs has lost no time in notifying the imperial and royal minister of the Interior of the soon-expected .arrival of the board of engineers which has been sent to Europe by the Government of the United States of America, for the purpose of observation with reference to the improvement of the Mississippi, and to acquaint him with the desire of that board to examine the engineering works at Vienna.

In pursuance of this wish, Baron Von Lasser has instructed the Danube-regulation commission in Vienna to give to these officers any required information, and to grant them the desired examination of all plans, drawings, &c.

As to the other water-works of rivers being under the control of the state, which the commission may propose to inspect, the board will be pleased to apply to Ministerial Counsel Mathias Wanick, the chief of the water and street regulation department in the Imperial and Royal Ministry of the interior.

Should the commission also conclude to extend its visit to Hungary, and be desirous of obtaining a like recommendation, the minister for foreign affairs with pleasure expresses its readiness, after a communication from Mr. John Jay, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of, America, to offer his mediation alike in this direction.

The undersigned, minister of the imperial house and for foreign affairs, gladly embraces this opportunity to renew to the envoy the assurance of his distinguished consideration.

For the minister of foreign affairs.


Mr. John Jay
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, Vienna.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 800.]

Mr. Jay to the Count Andrássy.

The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt, this morning, of the courteous rote of his excellency the imperial and royal minister for foreign affairs, advising the undersigned of the arrangements made by the imperial and royal government to assist the commission appointed by the President in reference to the improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi. The undersigned prays his excellency to accept his sincere thanks for this prompt compliance with the wishes of the commission in regard to their visit to Vienna, and to say that he accepts with pleasure the obliging offer of his excellency to furnish the board with a letter of recommendation to Pesth, to which capital, General Wright and his associates propose to proceed on Sunday night.

The undersigned will be most happy to receive such a note on their behalf before their departure, and embraces with pleasure this occasion to renew to his excellency the assurance of his most distinguished consideration.


To his excellency the Count Andrássy,
Imperial and Royal Minister for Foreign Affairs.