No. 87.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish.

No. 231.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that, on the night of Wednesday the 3d instant, at 15 minutes past 9 o’clock, a severe shock of an earthquake was felt in this city and in many parts of Guatemala. No damage was done here, but quite a number of lives have been lost and a considerable amount of property destroyed in the following-named cities and towns: Antigua, Duenas, Pateicia, Isapa, Olotenango, Chimaltenango, and Santa Cruz Valaina. Other towns are reported to have been damaged, and some of the above named are said to have been entirely destroyed.

The government officials report the loss of about two hundred lives.

The destruction of life was occasioned by the falling of timbers, the rolling of rocks from the sides of mountains, and by drowning in streams which suddenly changed their channels.

None of our countrymen, in fact no foreigners, have been sufferers by the calamity.

The foreign residents here have subscribed and paid $3,000, to be distributed among the unfortunate people who have been the victims of this fearful visitation.

It is alleged a new volcano burst out from a mountain about thirty leagues from this city on the night of the earthquake. This needs confirmation.

I have, &c.,