No. 55.
Mr. Scruggs to Mr. Fish.

No. 185.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 179, of the 7th instant, relative to public order in Colombia, I have now to report that the States of Antioquia and Tolima have made formal declarations of war against the national government.

The condition of affairs in the Cauca remains virtually unchanged, although we have intelligence to-day of an engagement between detached portions of the hostile forces near La Gránja, resulting in defeat to the insurgents.

On yesterday, President Parra issued a proclamation declaring the republic in a state of war, and calling for twenty thousand additional troops. All citizens between the ages of eighteen and sixty are called upon to enroll their names in their respective districts for active military duty.

Business of all kinds is virtually suspended, and, now that Antioquia has become the scene of active military operations, it is apprehended that the Magdalena River will soon be blockaded, and that mail communication with the coast will therefore be interrupted.

Under these circumstances, I have no assurance that this dispatch and others by this mail will reach you, except, perhaps, after much delay.

I have, &c.,