No. 213.
Mr. Foster to Mr. Fish.

No. 478.]

Sir: On the 12th instant I received a note dated at Quer6taro on the 3d instant from Hon. Francisco Gomez del Palacio, as minister of foreign affairs of the cabinet of Mr. Iglesias, in which he informed me that the Hon. José M. Iglesias, by virtue of the eighty-second article of the constitution of the republic, had, as president of the supreme court of justice, assumed the character of President ad interim of the republic; and that Mr. Iglesias would not accept any other obligations than those contracted by authorities who recognize the government which he represents.

I have under date of the 13th instant unofficially acknowledged the receipt of said note, and stated that I would transmit a copy thereof to my government for its information and action.

I inclose herewith copies of the said correspondence.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 478.]

Mr. Palacio to Mr. Foster.

The case foreseen by the eighty-second article of the constitution of the republic having presented itself, the citizen-president of the supreme court of justice of the nation, in compliance with the duty imposed upon him by that provision, has assumed the character of President ad interim of the republic.

I have the honor to inform your excellency of this by direction of that supreme magistrate, who also instructs me to state to your excellency that the legitimate government will not accept for the nation any engagement or obligation whatever which any other person may contract, nor will it recognize other obligations than those which emanate from the acts of public authorities or functionaries which may recognize the said legitimate government, or which are subordinate to it.

I improve the opportunity to offer to your excellency the assurances of my very distinguished consideration and special appreciation.

[Page 388]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 478.]

Mr. Foster to Mr. Palacio.


Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt to-day of your communication of the 3d instant, in which you state that the Hon. José M. Iglesias, as president of the supreme court of justice, has, by virtue of article 82 of the constitution of the republic, assumed the character of President ad interim of the republic, and that he will not accept any other obligations than those contracted by authorities who recognize the government which he represents.

I will take pleasure in transmitting a copy of your communication, by the earliest opportunity, to my government for its information and action.

I embrace this occasion to assure you of my high personal consideration and esteem.