No. 254.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts.

No. 179.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit, herewith inclosed, for your consideration, copies of two dispatches, with translations, received at this legation from the Haytian Government, together with my replies thereto.

I beg to invite special attention to the subject-matter of the dispatch of the 10th instant; and to ask most respectfully the instructions of the Department with regard to it.

I beg also to ask the Department to instruct me as to whether our consular officers shall be permitted to take refugees. This is a matter of grave importance at this time in this country, and the attitude of our government with regard to it should be well defined.

I am &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 179.—Translation.]

Mr. Ethéart to Mr. Langston.

Mr. Minister: Divers Haytians who took part in the insurrection at Port au Prince, on last Thursday, have found, it is said, refuge in several legations in this city.

While asking the names of those to whom you have accorded protection under your [Page 571] flag, I believe it my duty to inform you that the government desires, at the same time, to be advised with regard to the dispositions upon which you have determined in their behalf.

Awaiting your acquiescence in my demand, I have the honor to salute you with the high consideration which is due you.

The secretary of state of foreign affairs.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 179.]

Mr. Langston to Mr. Ethéart.

No. 56.]

Mr. Minister: Your dispatch of the 7th instant has been received, and in reply thereto I have the honor to state that no refugee connected with the insurrection of which you speak has been accorded protection under my flag.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 3 in No. 179.—Translation.]

Mr. Ethéart to Mr. Langston.

Mr. Minister: I believe it to be my duty to invite your serious attention to a fact of the greatest importance, persuaded that conformably to the spirit of the government that you represent, and to the usages everywhere established, that you will agree with me as to the measures the most proper to stop the revolutionary propaganda which seems more and more to emphasize itself.

My government is informed that vessels (embarcations) expedited from the two insurgent cities (St. Marc and Gonaives) bring every instant packages to the refugees in the legations. If we admit the right of asylum, it is upon the condition that the foreign legations would be a barrier to all communication between those who are sheltered under their flags and the rebels from without. To tolerate such communications, is to establish the negation of every principle of public order and security, and you cannot but know, Mr. Minister, I am convinced, to give support to these communications of a nature to impart life to the culpable menaces of the refugees and to give them a certain authority. This would be, then, you will admit, a strange extension of the right of asylum, to which every government has a right to object, because, in those conditions, the inviolable asylum would become centers of organized conspiracies against the legal power.

In consequence my government has taken the resolution not to permit vessels (embarcations) sent from St. Marc and Gonaives to cast anchor in our harbor. They shall be immediately re-expedited with all the packages which they bear.

We ought not to have any communication with the rebel towns; that is a right which nobody can contest; and it may be said that this resolution, which will restore certainly the establishment of order, is exacted for the guaranty even of the great commercial interests which you are called upon to protect in Hayti.

This decision having been brought to your knowledge, I hope, Mr. Minister, that you will notify your agents of the rebel cities in order that they abstain from sending vessels (embarcations) to the capital.

Please to accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my very high consideration.

The secretary of state of foreign affairs.

[Inclosure 4, in No. 179.]

Mr. Langston to Mr. Ethéart.

No. 57.]

Mr. Minister: Your dispatch dated on the 10th instant, in which you notify me of the resolution which your government has taken with regard to vessels (les embarcations) sent from the two cities of St. Marc and Gonaives to this port bearing packages, has been received.

Reserving all rights that appertain to my government and its consular officers residing in this republic, and especially for the time being, with sentiments of highest consideration, I have, &c.,