No. 485.
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Morgan.

No. 64.]

Sir: In a letter from the War Department, dated the 11th instant, covering a copy of a dispatch from Headquarters Division of the Missouri, dated the 10th, communicating one from General Pope, of the day previous, it is reported that Indians from Victorio’s band had, within the past few days, attacked the troops of this government at several places with some loss, and then crossed into Mexico.

In view of the foregoing facts, and also of the safe place of refuge so near at hand, to which they can escape when closely pursued by our troops, after inflicting such injury as above, a cipher telegram, dated the 14th instant, was forwarded to you on that day informing you that Victoria, after renewed attacks on our troops, had escaped pursuit over the border, and instructing you to press upon Mexico the necessity of either allowing our troops to follow him across the border or else of her assuming the responsibility of all acts arising from non-compliance with such request.

I am, &c.,

Acting Secretary.