No. 66.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Adams.

No. 3.]

Sir: I transmit herewith copy of a dispatch received from Mr. Thomas A. Osborn, United States minister to Chili, relative to the proposed exchange of prisoners of war between Chili and Bolivia. You will perceive that Mr. Osborn reports having written to the legation at La Paz on the subject. I have replied to Mr. Osborn that a change had been made in the incumbency of the mission, and that the person who had taken charge of the archives of the legation and consulate-general had not been invested by this government with any official functions, and could not, consequently, act in a diplomatic capacity toward the furtherance of the desired end.

The suggestion made in reference to the exchange of prisoners of war, [Page 79] like all others of a broadly humane character, has the sympathies of this government, and if the exercise of your good offices within their proper sphere will promote such a result without disparagement to the belligerent rights of any of the combatants, and especially of Peru, as the ally of Bolivia and presumably equally interested with her in such an arrangement, you are authorized to do what you can to promote the interests of humanity in the conduct of this unhappy war.

I am, &c.,