No. 718.
Mr. Blaine to Mr. Heap.

No. 33.]

Sir: Your dispatch of the 6th instant, No. 7, reporting that the Turkish Government had prohibited the importation of American pork on account of its being infected with trichinæ, has been received.

In reply, I have to inform you that this subject has been carefully and thoroughly investigated by the Department, and a detailed report in regard thereto will be sent to you as soon as published.

I may add, however, that there never was the slightest foundation for the reports sent abroad of the prevalence of that disease in American swine, which, on the contrary, have been found to be singularly free from anything of the kind.

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The prohibitory measures adopted by Turkey in this matter are, therefore, unwarranted discriminations against American industry, which that government should hasten to correct.

I am, sir, &c.,