No. 295.
Mr. Davis to Mr. West.

Sir: With reference to recent correspondence concerning the incursions of Canadian Indians into the northwestern Territories of this country, I now have the honor to inclose herewith for your information copy of a report received by the War Department in relation to the action of the military authorities in Montana Territory in sending certain Cree Indians across the boundary line on the 23d ultimo.

I have, &c.,

Acting Secretary.

Post Adjutant, Fort Assinniboine, Mont.:

Sir: I have the honor to report that, in compliance with orders No. 52, Fort Assinniboine, April 22, 1883, I left this post with my company (F, Eighteenth Infantry) at 6.30 a. m. the 23d instant, having in charge the Cree Indian prisoners specified in said orders, and proceeded with them to the international boundary, arriving at the line at 12.30 p.m., April 24.

I issued to them four days’ rations at the line, and sent them across into the Northwest Territory. Camped that night at the line, and returned to this post yesterday, the 25th instant, having traveled 79 miles.

Very respectfully, &c.,

Captain, Eighteenth Infantry, Commanding Company F.