No. 35.
Mr. Logan to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 20.]

Sir: I avail myself of the opportunity furnished by your dispatch No. 13, under date of July 10 ultimo, relating to the claim of Mr. R. de Rutte, a Swiss citizen residing in Peru, to advise you of the fact that the Chilian Government has signified its desire to arrange all claims of neutrals representing themselves as having suffered by the war, through a mixed commission. With this end in view conventions have been formally signed by the Chilian Government and the representatives of Great Britain, Prance, Germany, and Italy. These conventions are modeled after the treaty of Washington, which they almost copy, with the necessary changes. It is especially provided that all claims must be presented by a Government who stands sponsor for them.

A number of claims of our own citizens are on file in this legation, and more are to be presented. It will be the better plan to arrange a claims convention similar to those above mentioned. The judicial method of settling claims is far superior to diplomatic controversy. If this plan should meet your approval, a power may be sent me to conclude a convention.

I have, &c.,