No. 49.

Mr. Whitehouse to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Sir: In the absence of Mr. Hall, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy and translation of a note received this day from the minister of foreign affairs, Señor Cruz, informing this legation of the decree issued by President Barrios, proclaiming the union of the Central American States into one republic under one military chief, which supreme command he himself assumes.

I cabled you to-day the following in regard to this action:

Central American Union proclaimed by decree of President Barrios.

The publication of the decree was unexpected and is causing considerable excitement. The crowd invaded the opera where the performance was in progress, and the decree was read from the stage amidst great applause.

Resistance on the part of Nicaragua, and especially Costa Rica, is anticipated, and due preparation for such a contingency is made.

The decree, of which I will send a copy by next mail, states that any person declaring against the Union shall be held a traitor to the great national cause, and shall be subject to the consequences and responsibility of the acts he may have executed.

Officers and officials who declare for the Union shall be advanced one grade in the army of the Central American Republic.

No treaties, foreign loans, or analogous stipulations arranged by the other States after the date of this decree (February 28th) shall be recognized.

I have just learned that the Presidents of Salvador and Honduras have declared for the Union.

As the mail leaves very shortly, I have no time for more details.

I am, &c.,


Señor Cruz to Mr. Hall.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of the decree in which the President of the Republic, in accordance with the desires of the peoples of Central America, proclaims the union of them all in to one single republic, and, in order to effect this, assumes the position of supreme military chief and the attribute of absolute command as such till the successful union of the different sections into one single nation and under one single flag.

The realization of this grand thought, whilst fulfilling the most legitimate aspirations of all good Central American patriots, will facilitate and render more solid and [Page 74] fruitful the friendly relations with the Governments of America and Europe, for it will assure peace, raise credit, offer more efficient guarantees to foreign immigration, and widen, the field for the development of industry and commerce.

In accomplishing the pleasing duty of advising you of this important step which has just been taken, I beg you, if you deem it well, to be kind enough to bring it to the knowledge of your Government, and with expressions of high esteem and respect, I subscribe myself, &c.,