No. 62.
Mr. Jarvis to Mr. Bayard.

No. 145.]

Sir: On the 22d instant I sent you a cablegram in the following words: “Emperor arrived in good condition amid great enthusiasm.”

Of the arrival of the Emperor and its importance to the Empire, I will now give you a brief account, supposing it may be of interest to you. He arrived as I telegraphed you on the 22d in good condition, and he was joyfully received by a vast concourse of people composed of all classes of society and of all shades of political opinion. His extreme illness in Europe, and the vague and conflicting reports as to his mental and physical condition had filled the public mind with grave apprehensions as to the probable effects of the voyage. So little was known of his condition that no one seemed to know to what extent the elaborate preparations for his reception could be carried out. Thousands upon thousands crowded the piers or went out in ships to meet him, not knowing whether he could be seen at all or not. It was under these circumstances that he made his appearance, in good condition, before an anxious multitude of people, who gave him a heartfelt ovation.

The news of his arrival was received with great demonstrations of joy throughout the Empire. He is much esteemed and beloved by the people of all classes and opinions, and while he lives there will be no effort to make any changes or experiments in the present order of government. There was some anxiety and unrest in political circles before his arrival, growing out of the agitation, by some of the dissatisfied [Page 75] ex-slave-owners, for a republic. This has all disappeared since his arrival. Some of the slave-owners were very loth to part with their slaves without some compensation for them, and as they lost their slaves under the reign of the Princess Regent, they blame her, and it is said they are very bitter against her. They set to work to organize, in some of the more important provinces, a political party called the Republican party, whose open and avowed object was and is the establishment of a republic. In some local elections they developed a surprising strength, and in a few cases elected their candidates. To fully comprehend their political influence it is necessary to remember the fact that suffrage is very much restricted in Brazil, and that, while these dissatisfied ex-slave-owners are insignificant in numbers when compared with the entire male population, they are numerous in the body of electors. Their determined action and the unfavorable reports, in wide circulation, as to the condition of the Emperor’s health created in political circles a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty. It is to be hoped that the Emperor may be spared yet many years, and that he may have the strength and health necessary to the full discharge of his duties.

I have, etc.,

Thomas J. Jarvis.