Mr. Snowden to Mr. Blaine.

No. 23.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that in an interview with the prime minister this a.m. he informed me that the views I had the honor to present in relation to a protocol authorizing joint stock companies incorporated in the United States and Greece to enjoy all the rights and privileges granted to the citizens and subjects of each had been duly considered by himself and the minister of foreign affairs, and he was happy to state that as a consequence the agreement between the two countries would be executed by the Hellenic Government within a few days. He was kind enough to say, further, that whatever objection there might have been to extending the agreement had either been entirely removed by my presentation of the case or at least so much modified as to render it impossible to refuse, to the always friendly Government of the United States, what had been granted to other countries. I hope to be able to forward the protocol duly executed within a few days. This result of the negotiations is especially gratifying as at the present time two large American insurance companies, the Equitable and New York Life, are anxiously seeking permission to enter Greece.

I have, etc.,

A. Loudon Snowden.