Mr. Foster to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 15th ultimo, in further response to my note to Mr. Herbert of August 10 last, relative to the entry of Chinese laborers into the United States from the Dominion of Canada. I am glad to be assured that I was mistaken in supposing that the previous communications of this Government in regard to that question had been treated with indifference, though I can not see how it was possible for this Government at the time of my writing to avoid that conclusion, since for two years it had awaited in vain any response to its proposals for a conventional agreement with respect thereto.

I take note with pleasure, therefore, of Lord Rosebery’s assurance that the subject has received careful and friendly consideration and that it shall be pressed again on the attention of the Canadian ministers.

I have, etc.,

John W. Foster.