Mr. McDonald to Mr. Gresham.

No. 30.]

Sir: Touching my correspondence with His Majesty concerning the Oroomiah murder, I have the honor to forward, in addition to what has already been sent, as inclosures, a copy of my last note to the prime minister, and also of one from the foreign minister to me.

I beg to state that the missionaries are desirous that the Shah’s assuring letter be published for the benefit of their friends at home; and if there is no reason to the contrary, I would second their request that it be given to the press.

I am, etc.,

Alex. McDonald.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 30.]

Mr. McDonald to the prime minister.

Your Highness: With profound sensibility I acknowledge the just and wise and noble sentiments of His Imperial Majesty’s reply, through your highness, to my letter of the 18th of October concerning the murder of the Christian Armenian, Aga Jan Khan, at Oroomiah, and return my deep and heartfelt thanks for the same.

I have forwarded a copy of your highness’ letter to Washington, where it will not fail to excite the liveliest feelings of satisfaction and approbation in the breasts of his excellency the President and his ministers.

With the hope that the reign of His Exalted Majesty may be long, peaceful, and happy, I beg to subscribe, etc.,

Alex. McDonald.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 30—Translation.]

The minister for foreign affairs to Mr. McDonald.

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of the “petition” which your excellency, in your communication of the 7th of Rabi-es-sani, desired me to lay before His Imperial Majesty, and to inform you that a reply will be sent through his highness the prime minister to your excellency.

I beg to repeat, etc.

[Seal of the Kavamed Doulah, minister for foreign affairs.]