Mr. McDonald to Mr. Gresham.

No. 83.]

Sir: In regard to the Kermanshah school his highness, as will be seen by the inclosed note, adheres to his previous decision not to grant permission for the opening of the same. In pressing this matter on his highness I spoke in the highest terms of the character and accomplishments of my countrymen, the missionaries; of the good they are doing by their disinterested and self-sacrificing labors through the media of their schools, their hosxritals, and churches; of the seeming inconsistency of allowing schools at other places (where they were working smoothly and well) and denying one for Kermanshah, where there was loud call for it—all of which his highness admitted, saying the humane work of the missionaries in Persia was fully appreciated by the Government; but still for some reason he has seen proper to withhold the permission asked for in this instance. I think there is some secret history about the matter which is not understood—perhaps some interference by rival and jealous religious propagandists. Our missionaries had secured property and made other arrangements for opening the school at Kermanshah, and are disappointed and placed at inconvenience by this decision of the Government; but I think I have pressed the matter as far as is advisable for the present and will, therefore, let it drop unless there are new developments.

I am, etc.,

Alex. McDonald.
[Inclosure in No. 83.—Translation ]

The Prime Minister to Mr. McDonald.

Your Excellency: I beg to inform you that the contents of your letter of the 7th of the month of Ramazan (15th of March), 1894, with reference to the opening of a school at Kermanshah, at the request of the Jews and Armenians of that city have been understood.

[Page 490]

At another time, if it should be advisable to open this school, there would be no objection to the issue of the order granting permission, but to open a school of this kind at the present in Kermanshah is open to objection.

I beg to trouble you with these few lines in reply to your letter.

I hereby renew, etc.,

[Seal of the prime minister.]

Mr. Tyler to Mr. Gresham.

No. 95.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that in the absence of Mr. McDonald I have taken the liberty to open your No. 51, diplomatic series, dated March 29, 1894, commenting on the refusal of the Persian Government to allow the Rev. James Hawkes, a citizen of the United States, to open a school for the education of Jewish and Christian children in the town of Kermanshah.

The result of the further negotiations with the prime minister on this subject was communicated in Mr. McDonald’s dispatch of the 4th of April.

If a favorable opportunity should present itself for reopening this question I shall not fail to take every advantage of the very pertinent and forcible arguments contained in your dispatch.

I am informed that Mr. Hawkes has returned to the mission station at Hamadan.

I have, etc.,

John Tyler,
Vice-Consul-General in charge.