Señor Hurtado to Mr. Foster.

My Dear Sir: In the cable dispatch the substance of which I laid before you in my official note of the 5th instant, I am requested to ascertain and communicate to our minister of foreign relations, as soon as possible, the sense of your Government in regard to the proposition contained in the note. It would be looked upon as a favor and thankfully acknowledged if you were good enough to give to the matter the earliest attention compatible with your many other important duties and convenience.

Should you consider the proposed arrangement acceptable I would be happy to meet you at the time and place most convenient to you, to agree upon the terms of notes to be exchanged to perfect the agreement. If otherwise, which my Government would very much regret, my functions will be confined to cabling the information to Bogotá, and I sincerely hope that such will not prove the case.

I remain, etc.,

J. M. Hurtado.