No. 10.
Affidavit of Samuel Nowlien.

Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, ss:

And now comes Samuel Nowlien, a subject of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and upon oath deposes and says:

That he was captain commanding the Household Guards and was stationed at the Government Barracks and was also in control of the royal palace on the 16th and 17th days of January, A. D. 1893, with a total armed force of 272 men of all ranks, of which 72 men were regulars of the Household Guards and 200 men were native Hawaiian volunteers, fully armed and equipped with 12 breech-loading rifled cannons (Austrian make) and one Gatling, 111 Springfield rifles (U. S. A.), and 165 Winchester repeating army rifles, with 21,580 rounds of ammunition. That your affiant was in possession and in charge of said barracks and the palace yard up to and between 4 and 5 o’clock p.m. of the 18th of said January, when said premises were turned over to J. H, Soper and the regulars were then and there disbanded.

Samuel Nowlien.

F. J. Testa,
Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit.