Mr. Adee to Mr. Yang Yü.

No. 11.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on the 5th instant instructions were sent by this Department to our minister in China to organize a commission, to be composed of two American officials and one American resident in China, to proceed to Chengtu, in the province of Szechuan, to there investigate, in conjunction with Chinese officials of suitable rank, whose appointment Mr. Denby was directed to request of your Government, the causes of the antiforeign riots in that province and the amount of loss sustained by American citizens. To the end that the commission might be in a position to begin its labors at the earliest possible date, it has been directed to proceed to Chengtu by the overland route, passing through Tung-kuan and Hsi-an Fu, and our minister has been instructed to apply for suitable passports for the commission and a sufficient escort to accompany it.

Accept, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary